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I wrote a script to change refresh rate of monitor of your choice in multiple monitor setup.
This is my first proper shell script.
The problem is I don't on multi monitor setup. So, I don't know whether the script works properly.
Please take a look or try it.
This uses xrandr and dmenu.
#this script lets you change the refresh rate of monitor of your choice in multiple monitor setup.
screens=$(($(xrandr | grep -o 'Screen ' | wc -l)))
if [ $screens -eq 1 ]; then
resolution=$(xrandr | awk '/.*\*.*/{print $1}')
response=$(($(xrandr | awk '/.*\*.*/{
for(i=2;i<=NF;i++)if($i!="+")print $i
}' | sed -E 's/(^[^.*]*).*/\1/' | tr " " "\n" | dmenu -l 20 -i -p "choose refresh rate:")))
xrandr -s $resolution -r $response 2>/dev/null
choice=$(($(for j in $(seq $screens); do
echo $j | dmenu -l 1 -m $((j - 1)) -p "Press Enter:" &
if [ $choice -gt 0 ]; then
mon=$((choice - 1))
pkill -9 dmenu 2>/dev/null
resolution=$(xrandr | awk -v var="$choice" -v count=0 '/.*\*.*/{count++; if(count==var)print $1}')
response=$(($(xrandr | awk -v var="$choice" -v count=0 '/.*\*.*/{count++;
for(i=2;i<=NF;i++)if($i!="+")print $i
}' | sed -E 's/(^[^.*]*).*/\1/' | tr " " "\n" | dmenu -m $mon -l 20 -i -p "choose refresh rate:")))
xrandr -s $resolution -r $response 2>/dev/null
Last edited by Vishal340 (2023-12-28 13:45:06)
I don't have multi-monitor either but you should use [code][/code] tags instead of triple backticks, which are not supported here.
Also: did you know grep can count?
screens=$(($(xrandr | grep -c -o 'Screen ')))
"Austerity is the idea that the global financial crash of 2008 was caused by there being too many libraries in Wolverhampton."
— Alexei Sayle
I didn't know that. first time posting here actually. Also started using arch linux 2 weeks ago.
In multihead setup with RandR (modern way) there is only one Screen. Here is an example of xrandr output with two monitors:
$ xrandr
Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 3840 x 1080, maximum 32767 x 32767
DVI-D-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
HDMI-0 connected 1920x1080+1920+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 477mm x 268mm
1920x1080 60.00*+ 74.97 59.94 50.00
1680x1050 59.95
1440x900 59.89
1280x1024 75.02 60.02
1280x960 60.00
1280x720 60.00 59.94 50.00
1024x768 75.03 70.07 60.00
800x600 75.00 72.19 60.32 56.25
720x576 50.00
720x480 59.94
640x480 75.00 72.81 59.94 59.93
DP-0 connected primary 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 527mm x 296mm
1920x1080 60.00*+
1600x900 60.00
1280x1024 75.02 60.02
1152x864 75.00
1024x768 75.03 60.00
800x600 75.00 60.32
640x480 75.00 59.94
DP-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
None-1-1 connected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
1024x768 60.00 +
does dmenu work properly? does it send to multiple monitors different values?
In my script, the first part is to select the monitor. I want to know whether that works well.
I actually found much simpler way to do this. Sorry about this post.
screen=$(($(xdotool get_desktop)))
resolution=$(xrandr | awk -v var="$screen" -v count=0 '/.*\*.*/{count++; if(count==var)print $1}')
response=$(($(xrandr | awk -v var="$screen" -v count=0 '/.*\*.*/{count++;
for(i=2;i<=NF;i++)if($i!="+")print $i
}' | sed -E 's/(^[^.*]*).*/\1/' | tr " " "\n" | dmenu -m $((screen -1)) -l 20 -i -p "choose refresh rate:")))
xrandr -s $resolution -r $response 2>/dev/null
Last edited by Vishal340 (2023-12-29 13:57:35)