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I've installed Arch on many machines, and been using it for over 6y as my main OS.
I set up one of my long-running installations 2y ago with archlinux-2021.11.01-x86_64.iso on my Crucial BX200 SSD, preformatted with the necessary partitions and fitted in my old Packard Bell iMedia S i34G1TU02. All went smoothly.
I recently needed to rebuild my Arch installation on that hardware configuration and found that I've not been able to complete the booting of archlinux-2023.12.01-x86_64.iso.
To prepare for the re-installation, I booted with systemrescue-10.02-amd64.iso and zapped my Crucial BX200 SSD - the only drive in that machine - then preformatted it minimally like so:
parted /dev/sda -s mklabel msdos mkpart primary ext4 1MiB 40GiB set 1 boot on
Then my USB flash drive, loaded with ARCH_202312, which boots fine on my other machines, doesn't boot with syslinux, as the Installation guide states, rather it tries to boot with GRUB version 2:2.12rc1-5, using the first (default) selection "Arch Linux install medium (x86_64, x64 UEFI)" then complains like so,
[ 0.265386] Initramfs unpacking failed: invalid magic at start of compressed archive
and goes no further.
I can still boot that machine with systemrescue-10.02-amd64.iso, which is now Arch-based, so I'm stumped as to why I can't complete the ARCH_202312 boot.
Any ideas?
Add "maxcpus=1" to the kernel parameters, … 2#p2128072 (and some more threads)
Nope, no luck with maxcpus=1, and, having moved onto archlinux-2023.10.14-x86_64.iso, neither any luck with either of these lines in GRUB:
linux /arch/boot/;x86_64/vmlinuz-linux archisobasedir=arch archisodevice\=UUID=$(ARCHISO_UUID} nosmp
linux /arch/boot/;x86_64/vmlinuz-linux archisobasedir=arch archisodevice\=UUID=$(ARCHISO_UUID} acpi=off
This does appear to me some kind of fault in the installation ISO as my system was working fine before I elected to rebuild, and, as stated, still runs the Arch-based SystemRescue 10.02, and lastly, why is the installation ISO even booting into GRUB when it should be going for syslinux on this machine...
why is the installation ISO even booting into GRUB when it should be going for syslinux on this machine
It must be booting in UEFI mode. Do you have an option for "Legacy" mode (CSM) in the firmware?
You can install Arch from the SystemRescue ISO image: … Arch_Linux
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
The old machine concerned has only a BIOS Setup Utility, and I took care not to have any GPT's on the hard disk, so it does seem to be a failure of the Arch installation media. (I first detected this problem with archlinux-2023.10.14-x86_64.iso.)
Delighted to discover I could install from SystemRescue, which I've now done, thanks.
If you suspect that it's a IA32 UEFI, then it would be best to try archlinux-2024.01.01-x86_64.iso. It's very likely that archlinux/packaging/packages/grub#5 has been fixed in grub 2.12.
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