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#1 2024-03-05 16:17:16

Package Maintainer (PM)
From: Germany
Registered: 2024-02-10
Posts: 914

Join the Arch Testing Team - Call for participation

We hope y'all had a good start in the new year of 2024 — With the new year usually come new resolutions. If you don't have any so far, we have one for you:

What if you decided to give Arch a bit of help with testing package updates this year? smile

Arch uses testing repositories as a buffer for core/critical package updates (or any other package updates that would benefit from being tested first) before entering the stable repositories.

Testing these package updates helps us to catch more bugs upfront and ensures flawless updates for the stable repos, and that is where you can help!

By joining the official Arch Linux Testing Team, you'll get the ability to "sign off" packages in testing after vouching for their correctness (or reporting a bug otherwise). This helps Arch Package Maintainers catching eventual bugs upfront and helps to move packages out of the testing repositories faster and more efficiently.

We are not necessarilly looking for in depth testing. Verifiying that a program launches correctly and that you're able to perform your usual routine with it is already a good test on its own. You can also check the general testing guidelines.

This is a very effective and rather easy way to contribute to Arch Linux. The more testers we have, the more reliable packages updates will be.

We hope to see some of you there, also join us on IRC on Libera in #archlinux-testing! cool


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