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#1 2024-03-07 02:22:27

Registered: 2022-01-19
Posts: 44

[ABANDONED] Recover damaged btrfs partition?

Just booted and found that some files (including system config) appear to be missing. Immediately suspected that the filesystem is damaged and rebooted from a live ISO.
`btrfs check` doesn't report any errors. Ran `btrfs rescue chunk-recover` next, which (after apparently scanning a good chunk of the partition) returned the following message:

corrupt leaf: root=1 block=1865636233216 slot=0, unexpected item end, have 16283 expect 0
Couldn't read tree root
open with broken chunk error

Does this mean it's permanently damaged? Can anything be done to recover that?
I don't have a full system backup, that's on me. Currently copying my home dir to a secure location, expecting to have to rebuild everything.

Last edited by 43615 (2024-03-07 04:48:13)


#2 2024-03-07 04:47:58

Registered: 2022-01-19
Posts: 44

Re: [ABANDONED] Recover damaged btrfs partition?

Made an image and decided that I'm just going to recreate the FS and reinstall since most of my stuff is still there.
Feel free to add suggestions for future visitors, this topic isn't covered very well on any googleable resource.

Note: I believe the corruption was caused by an improper shutdown. There's a lesson in here somewhere.

Last edited by 43615 (2024-03-07 07:34:52)


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