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#1 2024-03-27 22:07:49

Registered: 2020-11-12
Posts: 17

[SOLVED] mutter45 and mutter are in conflict - can't find mutter45

Hi, I currently cannot upgrade because I'm getting the following error when running `sudo pacman -Syu`:

:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
 multilib is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: mutter45-45.5-1 and mutter-46.0-1 are in conflict

The problem is that running

pactree mutter45


error: package 'mutter45' not found

and same when trying to remove it. And

pacman -Q | grep mutter


mutter 45.4-1

I've searched and found a similar issue involving mutter43 and mutter, but I don't have budgie installed. And I find it very strange that it seems I can't find mutter45 anywhere else other than during the upgrade where it causes a conflict. Any advice on what I can try?

Last edited by Archemore (2024-04-26 17:51:01)


#2 2024-03-27 22:37:53

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,330

Re: [SOLVED] mutter45 and mutter are in conflict - can't find mutter45

Post the complete output of commands, you clipped away the most useful parts.

Both packages exist in the repos, and apparently packages that would be upgraded in your transaction depend on both, but the two conflict.  If you want more information than that, we'll need to see the complete command and output.  Wild guess, do you use lightdm-pantheon-greeter?

Also note you should get rid of [community], and while you're at it check the news for any other bits you may have missed.

Last edited by Trilby (2024-03-27 22:40:22)

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#3 2024-03-27 22:42:18

Registered: 2020-11-12
Posts: 17

Re: [SOLVED] mutter45 and mutter are in conflict - can't find mutter45

It seems like I was able to solve the issue after trying a few more things. In case anyone else searches and finds this post, I'll share my technique and hope it's helpful for someone in the future.

I started by running `pacman -Sii mutter45` (with two i's) to get:

Repository      : extra
Name            : mutter45
Version         : 45.5-1
Description     : Window manager and compositor for Elementary
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : GPL-2.0-or-later
Groups          : None
Provides        :
Depends On      : at-spi2-core  cairo  colord  dconf  fontconfig  fribidi  gcc-libs  gdk-pixbuf2  glib2  glibc  gnome-desktop-4  gnome-settings-daemon  graphene  gsettings-desktop-schemas
                  gtk4  harfbuzz  iio-sensor-proxy  lcms2  libcanberra  libcolord  libdisplay-info  libdrm  libei  libglvnd  libgudev  libice  libinput  libpipewire  libsm
                  libsysprof-capture  libwacom  libx11  libxau  libxcb  libxcomposite  libxcursor  libxdamage  libxext  libxfixes  libxi  libxinerama  libxkbcommon  libxkbcommon-x11
                  libxkbfile  libxrandr  libxtst  mesa  pango  pipewire  pixman  python  startup-notification  systemd-libs  wayland  xorg-xwayland
Optional Deps   : None
Required By     : gala  lightdm-pantheon-greeter  wingpanel
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : mutter
Replaces        : None
Download Size   : 2.68 MiB
Installed Size  : 14.23 MiB
Packager        : Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <>
Build Date      : Thu 21 Mar 2024 03:28:56 AM EDT
MD5 Sum         : 8fede44ec1563c331ed3f0d926c14421
SHA-256 Sum     : 1b24389dbf6bbedabe93c4c768d885aaf2c8d1e77ff83a87f609e9ed25366bdd
Signatures      : B8AC08600F108CDF
Extended Data   : None

This prints the "Required By" packages as opposed to just the -Si outputs. Then I did a `pacman -Q | grep gala` etc. over all these packages. I removed lightdm-pantheon-greeter since I wasn't using lightdm anymore and this was the only one of the three I had installed. Then I was able to complete the upgrade.

I don't know if something changed recently as it's a bit strange I haven't run into this problem for years despite having this package for a long time, and found it a bit confusing I could have a conflict between a package I have installed and one I don't, but I'm glad it's resolved. Hope this debugging technique is helpful to someone else!


#4 2024-03-27 22:43:58

Registered: 2020-11-12
Posts: 17

Re: [SOLVED] mutter45 and mutter are in conflict - can't find mutter45

Trilby wrote:

Post the complete output of commands, you clipped away the most useful parts.

Both packages exist in the repos, and apparently packages that would be upgraded in your transaction depend on both, but the two conflict.  If you want more information than that, we'll need to see the complete command and output.  Wild guess, do you use lightdm-pantheon-greeter?

Also note you should get rid of [community], and while you're at it check the news for any other bits you may have missed.

The strange part is that *was* the complete output. There wasn't really any useful output which was especially confusing; just a "there's a conflict." But see my latest post for the resolution. And what do you mean get rid of [community]?


#5 2024-03-27 23:58:33

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,330

Re: [SOLVED] mutter45 and mutter are in conflict - can't find mutter45

Sure, why not, I'm in a good mood, I'll play.  I'll try another answer for you to ignore:

The community repo no longer exists.

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#6 2024-03-28 08:16:33

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,922

Re: [SOLVED] mutter45 and mutter are in conflict - can't find mutter45

You had the 45 version of  "mutter" installed but also packages that require mutter45 (what is a different package) and that caused the originaly conflict.

Fix your pacman config and please always remember to mark resolved threads by editing your initial posts subject - so others will know that there's no task left, but maybe a solution to find.


#7 2024-03-29 00:46:31

Registered: 2022-01-06
Posts: 16

Re: [SOLVED] mutter45 and mutter are in conflict - can't find mutter45

This problem has _absolutely_ nothing to do with the community repo.

I am facing the exact same issue, while I have done all the proper changes to the pacman config and nothing of the community repo lives on my system anymore.

This is really an actual issue with the lightdm-pantheon-greeter (which is categorized under the "extra" repo by the way).
The following on GitLab makes it also clear: … d5655a1b75
(Not sure why it's incompatible with later mutter versions, but it's clear they recently updated it. But it looks like mutter was recently updated as well, they may suddenly have discovered problems with that. Kind of a last minute change.)

I am also removing it now, since I am using a different lightdm greeter and this one was just left installed.

But I was still completely surprised by this problem (alright, sometimes people make errors).
No news item about this whole problem was made at all (this package may not the most important one, but more packages on other people there systems might be broken by an update of such a library, I don't know?).

Last edited by jongeduard (2024-03-29 00:57:54)


#8 2024-03-29 01:55:51

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,330

Re: [SOLVED] mutter45 and mutter are in conflict - can't find mutter45

jongeduard wrote:

This problem has _absolutely_ nothing to do with the community repo.

No shit.  No one even suggested it did.

jongeduard wrote:

I am facing the exact same issue, while I have done all the proper changes to the pacman config and nothing of the community repo lives on my system anymore.

Yeah, 'cause applying the solution to a completely unrelated problem would not be expected to help.  What would help is the solution presented right at the start of this thread - hell even clairvoyantly predicting exactly which package was the culprit not only for the OP, but also for the second person who chimes in on the thread with the same problem.

jongeduard wrote:

This is really an actual issue with the lightdm-pantheon-greeter

Yeah, just like I said in the very first reply in this thread.  That's some stellar sleuthing you've done there Sherlock.

Last edited by Trilby (2024-03-29 01:56:34)

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#9 2024-05-27 15:02:24

Registered: 2024-05-27
Posts: 1

Re: [SOLVED] mutter45 and mutter are in conflict - can't find mutter45

Commenting because I had the same issue, but a slightly different solution that may help expedite the results of the previously discussed troubleshooting method. Was receiving the same error on a machine that I couldn't run updates on for about a month. 'pacman -Sii mutter45' returned nothing, but the same command for mutter gave the same dependencies, and in my case wingpanel was the package at fault.

Working up the dependency tree to remove everything necessary to remove mutter45 quickly became an exercise in futility, but I did mentally note that few, if any, of the packages rang a bell for anything I use. I remembered the 'Removing unused packages (orphans)' section in pacman tips and tricks page, specifically:

# pacman -Qdtq | pacman -Rns -

cleaned out far too many unused packages, and the entire list of offending packages were removed. 'pacman -Syu' was then able to complete with the mutter package being the only form of mutter on the system.


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