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I have starship and also some nerd fonts installed on xfce4.
➜ pacman -Qq | grep nerd
ttf-ubuntu-nerd➜ pacman -Qq starship
it is called with
eval "$(starship init bash)"
in my ~/.bashrc
In general it seems to work, but not all of the symbols are displayed as they should >>
It does neither make any difference with which terminal emulator (xfce4-terminal, alacritty, kitty) I am ausing nor whether oh-my-bash is active or not.
Any hint where things go wrong here?
And did you configure the font in terminal (e.g. in kitty.conf: font_family MesloLGS NF)?
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yep, I think so
➜ cat ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.toml
size = 12.0
family = "FiraCode Nerd Font"
style = "Regular"
opacity = 0.95
x = 8
y = 8
* Can you try in installing ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols and see if it completes the missing signs?
*Try refresh the font cache (fc-cache).
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fc-list :charset=279c
The other one looks like (overlapped)
fc-list :charset=2718
Edit: --idiocy - yeah, "match" will show exactly *one* match.
=>> ++caffeine
Last edited by seth (2024-04-08 08:25:55)
installing ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols
did not do anything
fc-list :charset=279c
fc-list :charset=2718
do not return anything
Install DejaVu …
It's funny because u279c is a bold arrow right (➜) which looks like the one in your terminal's snippet above.
Does this printf "%X\n" \"➜\" returns 279c ?
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Offline - search for "arrow right"
I might be wrong though, but the box reads like "279c" to me.
Yep, I wonder how on one side, OP's terminal can present '➜' while in starship's prompt it can't...
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Oh, I see…
Just because *you* can see that glpyh properly resolved in *your* browser doesn't mean the OP can
I had this in my starship.toml
success_symbol = '[➜](bold green)'
removing that makes things much better
not perfect yet, as you can see in this python based repo folder
following up on the lessons learned above
❯ printf "%X\n" \?\"
(weird enough I see the python symbol here just fine as long I did not save the post while it does not show in the terminal, as you see in this screenshot)
That said ... what are those numbers (279c, 1F40D) referring to exactly. Something like ASCI code?
Last edited by dulhaver (2024-04-12 20:42:08)
utf-8 codepoints - you can google them along "utf8" and it'll show you a bunch of utf-8 related pages that explain the codepoint (name, group and usually an illustrating png)
fc-list :charset=279c
prints all installed fonts that provide that one
Install - it'll provide a whole lot of them.
fc-list :charset=1F40D
Your TE will most likely only accept fixed witdth substitutes or so, ? is typically in emoji-fonts only.
fc-list :charset=1F40D neither shows any hit with ttf-dejavu installed.
I was advised that starship would work just find with Firacode and I am certain the info is reliable.
Neither does searching for 'snake', nor 'python' return any 1F40D on the Nerdfonts cheat-sheet
So it gets more mysterious the more I am looking?
Last edited by dulhaver (2024-04-13 17:31:51)
The python snake is an amoji and will typically be provided by some emoji font.
DejaVu should get you 279c, though?