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#1 2007-02-02 17:06:37

Registered: 2007-01-23
Posts: 19

Fn buttons and kernel custom questions

Hi, i dont know how i've to load hotkey modules to can use fn buttons on my laptop. I've tried with #modprobe hotkey but i get this:

[root@ximian64 boot]# modprobe hotkey
FATAL: Error inserting hotkey (/lib/modules/2.6.19-ck/kernel/drivers/acpi/hotkey.ko): No such device

And dmesg:

Using specific hotkey driver

What driver i've to use??

Another question... I've compiled a custom kernel but i dont know how i can do a initrd for my custom kernel.

Last edited by songochain (2007-02-02 17:12:38)


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