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I was trying to install xampp using yay aur helper but it showed me this error
application-specific initialization failed:
/usr/bin/tclkit has no VFS data to start up
can't find package starkit
while executing
"package require starkit"
(file "/usr/bin/sdx.kit" line 4)
invoked from within
"source /usr/bin/sdx.kit"
(file "/home/akkhil/.cache/yay/xampp/src/bitrock-unpacker.tcl" line 9)
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in prepare().
-> error making: xampp-exit status 4
-> Failed to install the following packages. Manual intervention is required:
xampp - exit status 4
tryed doing a MANUAL build using makepkg -si but still same error
Last edited by gaming (2024-07-22 14:57:08)
for install Xampp go to and in Download section find linux installer.
Run installer file as sudo .
Install from there and then go to the following path to run xampp :
cd /opt/lampp/
sudo ./
I don't know why the package in AUR has these problems, but the installer in main site of xampp does not have these problems
Last edited by avasam (2024-04-14 15:25:58)
I think its a problem with tclkit when i run
it shows me this error
application-specific initialization failed:
/usr/bin/tclkit has no VFS data to start up
The installer has success fully installed xampp tho but still what is going on
Last edited by gaming (2024-07-22 14:58:03)
We can use paru which help create the necessary permissions