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#1 2024-04-25 15:19:50

Ride Garcher
Registered: 2023-09-30
Posts: 48

is it true that using the zen kernel with proprietary nvidia [SOLVED]

I had heard this. Someone said that the zen kernel doesn't work very well with the proprietary nvidia driver. Can anyone confirm this for me?

If yes can you explain what the problem is caused by and what the consequences might be?

Edit.Yes, I still need to install the drivers for my nvidia card. but before I do I wanted to confirm.

Last edited by Ride Garcher (2024-04-26 14:43:22)

Jr. Web developer


#2 2024-04-25 15:45:13

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 24,087

Re: is it true that using the zen kernel with proprietary nvidia [SOLVED]

No, this makes no general sense and without any context they are most likely talking out of their behind. If it's any indication on my old system I've ran nvidia and zen without issue, but it's been a few years with that one, but from a general sense nothing about the patches in the zen kernel would inherently cause issues with nvidia.

Generally speaking since it's a "custom" kernel you need linux-zen-headers and nvidia-dkms so that the kernel module can be built whenever the kernel updates but beyond that everything in this regard is automated.
FWIW right now, there are some actual troubles with the 550 series of nvidia drivers, but those do affect every kernel more or less equally and people have apparently made good experiences remaining on a maintained branch/version  of 535:

But that's an extaordinary situation that has no relation to the underlying kernel and chances are this will get fixed in future versions.

Last edited by V1del (2024-04-25 15:46:40)


#3 2024-04-25 16:17:14

Ride Garcher
Registered: 2023-09-30
Posts: 48

Re: is it true that using the zen kernel with proprietary nvidia [SOLVED]

Thank you for the response V1del.

In this moment i have a RTX 2070 (2070, not 2070 super). I heard that it's a model that should work well currently.

I also heard that the proprietary nvidia driver had ( i don't now if the problem is still present) a problem that cause problem every time that you update the system if you use Rolling release distro like Arch. Is this true?
Besides this, in the end would you advise me to install the proprietary drivers? I mainly use them for gaming. I know that the Nvidia drivers update automatically by being present in the pacman repository, but if I'm not mistaken the nouveau drivers are not in the pacman repositories.

Jr. Web developer


#4 2024-04-25 16:27:13

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,477

Re: is it true that using the zen kernel with proprietary nvidia [SOLVED]

I also heard that the proprietary nvidia driver had ( i don't now if the problem is still present) a problem that cause problem every time that you update the system if you use Rolling release distro like Arch. Is this true?

Generally: No.
Wrt the specific situation V1del mentioned w/ the 550xx version: yes. Likely.

Nouveau is part of the kernel.


#5 2024-04-26 10:11:45

Ride Garcher
Registered: 2023-09-30
Posts: 48

Re: is it true that using the zen kernel with proprietary nvidia [SOLVED]

Thank you all guys. I'll try.

I hope my Arch won't explode

Edit. Setting up and installing the proprietary nvidia drivers destroyed part of my system, which now would no longer boot with the zen and hardened kernel, only with the standard kernel, with performance problems. It's probably my fault or xorg's fault, I don't want to blame nvidia.

Fortunately, I had taken a snapshot and was able to restore everything.

I tried nouveau drivers and I can say that the games I tried so far run better than on windows. And I will add that they have not broken my system, and I can safely use the zen kernel

Last edited by Ride Garcher (2024-04-26 17:07:37)

Jr. Web developer


#6 2024-04-26 12:45:40

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,477

Re: is it true that using the zen kernel with proprietary nvidia [SOLVED]

Please always remember to mark resolved threads by editing your initial posts subject - so others will know that there's no task left, but maybe a solution to find.


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