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#1 2024-05-02 13:06:12

From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2024-05-02
Posts: 1

Crash when logging in using sddm, screen just went black.

SDDM with KDE plasma wayland and nvidia graphics card.
Not sure what update caused it.
The error log:

May 02 17:20:11 CuiYH-LAPTOP sddm-helper[1330]: Starting X11 session: "" "/usr/bin/sddm-greeter-qt6 --socket /tmp/sddm-:0-HBpQxG --theme /usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze"
May 02 17:20:11 CuiYH-LAPTOP sddm[915]: Greeter session started successfully
May 02 17:20:11 CuiYH-LAPTOP sddm[915]: Message received from greeter: Connect
May 02 17:23:38 CuiYH-LAPTOP sddm[915]: Error from greeter session: "Process crashed"
May 02 17:23:38 CuiYH-LAPTOP sddm[915]: Auth: sddm-helper (--socket /tmp/sddm-auth-4e4b5a4e-ef50-4f3c-9dc1-811fed7f374b --id 2 --start /usr/bin/sddm-greeter-qt6 --socket /tmp/sddm-:0-HBpQxG --theme /usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze --user sddm --greeter) crashed (exit code 1)
May 02 17:23:38 CuiYH-LAPTOP sddm[915]: Error from greeter session: "Process crashed"
May 02 17:23:38 CuiYH-LAPTOP sddm[915]: Auth: sddm-helper exited with 1
May 02 17:23:38 CuiYH-LAPTOP sddm[915]: Greeter stopped. SDDM::Auth::HELPER_AUTH_ERROR
May 02 17:23:39 CuiYH-LAPTOP sddm[915]: Signal received: SIGTERM
May 02 17:23:39 CuiYH-LAPTOP sddm[915]: Socket server stopping...
May 02 17:23:39 CuiYH-LAPTOP sddm[915]: Socket server stopped.
May 02 17:23:39 CuiYH-LAPTOP sddm[915]: Display server stopping...
May 02 17:23:39 CuiYH-LAPTOP systemd[1]: Stopping Simple Desktop Display Manager...

Normally it is.

Apr 29 15:29:21 CuiYH-LAPTOP sddm[1012]: Greeter session started successfully
Apr 29 15:29:21 CuiYH-LAPTOP sddm[1012]: Message received from greeter: Connect
Apr 29 15:29:31 CuiYH-LAPTOP sddm[1012]: Message received from greeter: Login
Apr 29 15:29:31 CuiYH-LAPTOP sddm[1012]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasma.desktop"

I temporarily bypassed it by modifying the sddm config to automatically log in. How should I troubleshoot this problem? Is it related to the graphic driver?:)


#2 2024-05-02 20:03:03

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,000

Re: Crash when logging in using sddm, screen just went black.

The greeter crashed … _core_dump
But this lacks context and if it doesn't show up there, please post your complete system journal for the boot:

sudo journalctl -b | curl -F 'file=@-'


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