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can anybody help me install the NVIDIA driver (from to my arch box...
when i do "sh" at the promt
i get "unable to determine nvidia kernel module filename"
download the source for your kernel version and untar it in /usr/src then run the nvidia installer.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
did that but it didn't work.
you are trying to run the installer as root correct?
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
Just got the drivers up and running.
This has been a bit brutal but I am a linux noob
I needed to recompile the kernel.
Here how I got it runnig
1) Download the kernel source into a file (linux-2.6.3.tar.bz2)
2) become root
3)go to /usr/src and rename linux-2.6.3 to linux-2.6.3-old or what ever
3)return to the file with the kernel source type
"tar xvjpf linux-2.6.3.tar.bz2 -C /usr/src/ " (this should untar the source into /usr/src)
4)type "ln -sf /usr/src/linux-2.63 /usr/src/linux (creates a link)
5)type "cd /usr/src/linux" (you should end up in /usr/src/linux-2.6.3)
6)type "make mrproper"
7)type "make menuconfig"
8)Make the changes you see fit,I just went to the bottom and loaded "/boot/kconfig26" which was the kernel config file and it was running well with the nv driver.
9) Exit and save the config
10)type "make bzImage && make modules && make modules_install"
11)Wait till this process completes
12) Go to /boot and rename System.map26 to System.map26_old or whatever
13) Again in /boot rename vmlinux26 to vmlinux26_old or whatever
14)type "cp /usr/src/linux/ /boot/System.map26"
15)type "cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz26"
16) now open a text editor and modify /boot/grub/menu.lst.
Put in a new label to point to /boot/vmlinuz_old. This is just in case thing go bad
17) reboot and select your new kernel, hopefully all is well.
18 I dont use kdm or gdm or xdm, I always use "startx" to launch my desktop
If you use any of the managers.
You will have to change the setting "id" in /etc/inittab from 5 to 3 and reboot.
You can not install the nvidia drivers with X running
19) Now cd /to where the is and run it sh
20) After the script has run, modify /ect/X11/XF86Config-4 as usual
(Change nv or vesa driver to nvidia and get rid of dri)
21) reboot and cross your fingers
Mine did not go so well the first time.(':(') When I typed startx the nvidia driver crashed before starting complaining about screens that it could not use. XF86Config-4 looked ok. I typed " lsmod"and had no nvidia, I typed "modprobe nvidia" and there were no complaints,I typed "lsmod" again and nvidia was there. So I typed "startx" and there I was with splash screen and all.So I added "nvidia" to my modules file.
I hit the nivida forum and it appears that alot of people are having problems with the 5336 driver. I did everything again and it worked on the reboot without problems. Go figure?(':shock:')
I hope this helps. It is a bit of a hack and I am sure someone has a better way.
p4 2.8ghz
Soltek 3401A
nvida FX-5900-UT
1024 ram
actually yes there are a few explanations on the forum about setting up the nvidia drivers. but basically it goes this way:
1. down load kernel source for your kernel version.
2. cd /usr/src
3. mv linux-2.x.x linux2.x.x-old
4. untar your downloaded kernel source
5. run your nvidia installer
6. edit your XF86Config(-4) and add "nvidia" to your /etc/rc.conf MODULES=() array
BTW with a bit of a search you could have saved a whole pile of steps and time. you can manually recompile your kernel but if you are making no changes then you may as well just use abs to recompile your kernel then you can just replace the /usr/src/linux-2.x.x directory afterwards. i say this because as far as pacman is concerned you still have the packaged kernel installed and it will try to replace it whenever a new kernel is uploaded to the repos. you can avoid this and continue to roll your own by adding the kernel package you use to the Ignorepkg= section of pacman.conf.
i say again though all of this could be avoided al together if someone made a feature request through the bug tracker for the needed makefile to be included in the kernel package arch has (both 2.4.xx and 2.6.x packages require it). if this were done all one would have to do is run the nvidia installer and that is it because arch HAS the necessary headers and such all that is missing is the makefile that the installer uses.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend