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#1 2024-06-16 14:49:02

From: Italy
Registered: 2015-06-07
Posts: 117

FirmaOK sign tool.

I ask for help with a problem with a digital signature tool for documents called FirmaOK.
https://postecert-poste-it.translate.go … r_pto=wapp

Here is the linux version download link: … nux.tar.gz

Once the file has been unzipped and launched, a tool should open.
By clicking on Signature, first button on the left with a pen symbol, you are asked to insert a file.

Once the file has been inserted, a window should open with a selector between remote signature or smartcard signature.

I use Arch Linux and a user with Endeavor only displays a smartcard search window or deletes the session.
On the Ubuntu forum we are trying to debug software that uses .exe files.

After the first run, the updates are downloaded to the .Postecert folder and the /system/launcher_linux.bat file creates symbolic links

set -uex
curdir=`dirname "$0"`
curdir=`cd "$curdir"; pwd`
cd "$curdir"
if [ "$#" -eq 2 ]; then
	PYTHONHOME=$curdir LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LPATH ./kickstart.exe "$@"
	PYTHONHOME=$curdir LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LPATH ./kickstart.exe

I would like to know if anyone is able to exit the /remote/smartcard selector window after having inserted a file to be signed

This is the translated discussion:
https://forum-ubuntu--it-org.translate. … p#p5367160


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