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#1 2024-06-21 08:41:58

Registered: 2024-02-06
Posts: 16

Plasma SDDM x11 Shutdown/Reboot problem since 6.1.0-1?


since the recent update I am unable to shutdown/reboot via the plasma dialog things in the start menue.
Also there do seem to be some options missing that were there before... there used to be other options like sleep, logout, shutdown regardless what if I clicked the reboot or shutdown button from the start menue. screenshot taken without compositor


I saw a post about cinnamon having a very similar issue but I am not sure.

journal says something about baloo core cump :shrug:

shutdown not working journal:

reboot not working journal:

I can reboot via konsole .. poweroff works too
via start menue dialog it just craps and I have to open tty to do the things
tried downgrading baloo to prev, didn't solve it.

what do about the menue
I guess I'm wondering if its a me problem or if something like this slips by as a bug and I should open a report for it.. if it's not a me problem.

thank you smile

Last edited by heyimnyl (2024-06-21 09:06:41)


#2 2024-06-21 08:49:11

From: Spain
Registered: 2011-10-09
Posts: 2,123

Re: Plasma SDDM x11 Shutdown/Reboot problem since 6.1.0-1?

Please describe what you mean by "the plasma dialog things in the start menue"


#3 2024-06-21 08:52:21

Registered: 2024-02-06
Posts: 16

Re: Plasma SDDM x11 Shutdown/Reboot problem since 6.1.0-1?

arojas wrote:

Please describe what you mean by "the plasma dialog things in the start menue"


These I mean. What are they called? Buttons to shutdown in the start menue?
They open up this fullscreen dialogue which used to host more than just 2 options, "Reboot"/"Shutdown" or "Cancel" and they used to work for shutting down/rebooting before recent update.

edit: Seems like I am not the only one with this problem, someone opened a bug report on kde forums: 488853

Last edited by heyimnyl (2024-06-21 09:40:40)


#4 2024-06-21 21:06:07

Registered: 2024-02-06
Posts: 16

Re: Plasma SDDM x11 Shutdown/Reboot problem since 6.1.0-1?

decided to rollback (luckily timeshift worked amazingly the first time I actually needed it) and partial upgrade putting kde, plasma etc in ignoregrp.
It's just too much regression with session manager not remembering all windows at all times and no option of getting this logout dialogue back to how it was before (in addition to it being not broken on X11)

Last edited by heyimnyl (2024-06-21 21:06:42)


#5 2024-06-22 10:23:48

Registered: 2008-10-22
Posts: 704

Re: Plasma SDDM x11 Shutdown/Reboot problem since 6.1.0-1?

From what I've seen on my testing pc, it seems like KDE changed it in 6.1. Usually you get several options, now one and if you want all options, it is hidden in a different menu item. At least for me it was.


#6 2024-06-22 10:56:21

Registered: 2024-02-06
Posts: 16

Re: Plasma SDDM x11 Shutdown/Reboot problem since 6.1.0-1?

ChemBro wrote:

From what I've seen on my testing pc, it seems like KDE changed it in 6.1. Usually you get several options, now one and if you want all options, it is hidden in a different menu item. At least for me it was.

yes they changed it and it's broken on X11. We do a little waiting until its fixed and then maybe Ill search for the different menu item you mentioned smile

This several options thing (the old style) should be default considering it's the menue that pops up when laptop power button is pressed. Not quite sure why this needed a change at all. Seems a bit wasteful. Afaik theres multiple wishlist requests to keep the old style on kde bug tracker but we will see.


#7 2024-06-24 21:44:50

Registered: 2014-04-16
Posts: 83

Re: Plasma SDDM x11 Shutdown/Reboot problem since 6.1.0-1?

heyimnyl wrote:

I saw a post about cinnamon having a very similar issue but I am not sure.

Do you remember where?
Because I'm using Cinnamon and have the same issue, reboot leads to getting back to sddm's login screen and there I have to press reboot to reboot.
Same with shutdown I guess.

Aka, today was a sddm upgrade and that broke it
[2024-06-24T15:46:04+0200] [ALPM] upgraded sddm-kcm (6.0.5-1 -> 6.1.0-1)

Last edited by dalu (2024-06-24 21:50:02)


#8 2024-06-25 18:20:38

Registered: 2012-03-23
Posts: 14

Re: Plasma SDDM x11 Shutdown/Reboot problem since 6.1.0-1?

heyimnyl wrote:

I saw a post about cinnamon having a very similar issue but I am not sure.

Perhaps this is the post:

My system also suffered the problem described in the earlier post. It went away after an update. When I updated the system this morning the problem returned.


#9 Today 09:05:06

Registered: 2024-02-06
Posts: 16

Re: Plasma SDDM x11 Shutdown/Reboot problem since 6.1.0-1?

dalu wrote:

Do you remember where?

Yes, sorry meant to reply but forgot. … issues/173

and what @carbon64 linked.


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