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The last 2 updates to kodi on Arch have caused sound to cut out on a system wide basis.
Only a reboot restores sound. Sound driver is pipewire.
All other sound using apps work, but if you start up kodi and then start up a tv/video/music output,
then sound hangs and does so until a reboot. This has been seen on 3 different
systems, with either openbox or plasma destop environments.
Any attempt to downgrade kodi to last working config seems to cause issues with libdisplay-info
Any ideas?
Last edited by W54J04S07T (2024-07-12 16:58:33)
Use the pulse backend instead. Afaik pipewire is still quite experimental. Start it with the --audio-backend=pulseaudio parameter.
Edit: Hmm not sure what kind of a weird interaction kodi triggers here, but I can repro this, even with the pulse backend... FWIW rebooting isn't necessary, a simple restart of pipewire is sufficient
systemctl --user restart pipewire{,-pulse}
Last edited by V1del (2024-07-06 22:19:02)
I have the same problem, and using the backend parameter(either pulse or alsa) it didn't make any difference and also produced an error on kodi start. But the "env KODI_AE_SINK=ALSA" seems that works fine.
But the "env KODI_AE_SINK=ALSA" seems that works fine.
Where do we insert this variable???
V1Del: Thanx... systemctl does beat a reboot.
for example
Some time ago Kodi audio was rather unstable with pipewire (I think once it was enabled through the build config), so I uninstalled pipewire and installed pulse. Then somewhat recently I think it broke with pulse, then re-installed pipewire. Now it seems broken with pipewire again... The alsa workaround does seem to work at least.
If you're using the desktop launcher, you can likely edit the properties and add the environment variable. Otherwise, the easiest way to set it system-wide is to put
in /etc/environment, though you may need to log out and back in to have it take effect.
Last edited by akb825 (2024-07-07 21:49:57)
I just copied the .desktop file from /usr/share/applications to ~/.local/share/applications and edited it to add the variable to exec line
exec=env KODI_AE_SINK=ALSA kodi
Well. I guess Kodi has a hit and miss relationship with sound drivers.
I have pipewire and pipewire-pulse and pipewire-alsa installed
and then I installed the KODI_AE_SINK variable and ... nothing...
Whats really annoying here, is that when you start Kodi, sound
( at least the various beeps/etc that inform you that its doing something )
all work. As soon as you trigger a video/media/etc... then sound cuts out.
Last edited by W54J04S07T (2024-07-09 19:52:07)
Might be related to this: … ssues/4087
Might be related to this: … ssues/4087
Now this is going to be interesting. according to the devs,
Kodi and Pipewire have little glitches that do the same thing.
Interesting to see how they are dealing with it.
Wait and see I guess.
New pipewire release today.
Kodi now seems to work.
Patience my friends...