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#1 2007-02-10 10:18:47

From: Down under
Registered: 2007-02-10
Posts: 102

Arch Linux first impressions

Hello all,

I have just recently decided to try arch linux. For a long while I have been running my own LinuxFromScratch system, but I have been looking for a little while for a nice KDE based system *with package management*.

So here I am now with an Arch KDE 3.5.6 system - what do I think?

1. KDE looks real nice! Fonts look very good.
2. nvidia drivers were simple to install and work as advertised, same ~6000fps under glxgears as under LFS
3. rc.conf, MODULES, DAEMONS, nice and simple!
4. pacman -S? Very nice. I got caught as a newbie when I didn't do a pacman -Sy before an update, and tried to pull down out-of-date files. Perhaps pacman -S could note that my synch was n weeks ago and warn?
5. Beginners Guide on the wiki. Very useful step by step to a KDE desktop.
6. All apps installed and work well, k3b, wesnoth, flashplugin, kmail, konq browsing, qemu + kqemu etc

The not so good

1. Twice now I have had a udev error on first boot into arch. Second boot it goes away. I put it down to my windows dual boot leaving some hardware in a dubious state. If I see it again I'll note the exact error message.
2. For some reason KDE 3.5.6 is not quite so snappy as on LFS. I can watch it paint as windows come up for the first time. Nothing major though.
3. modules & groups. It really sucks to get tripped up on missing modules (floppy) and groups (storage). Its my hardware let me use it by default I say!
4. ping myhostname returns unknown host. A little strange I think.
5. media mounting (usb key, floppy, cdrom) as my user seems a little flakey. Permissions problems preventing "safe removal" of the usb key etc.


1. OpenOffice (although this seems to be 2.04 via pacman, perhaps I'll wait for 2.1 to arrive)
2. More learning about Arch....

A nice system thus far, this Arch Linux... smile



#2 2007-02-10 17:13:00

From: Cliche Tech Place
Registered: 2005-05-13
Posts: 794

Re: Arch Linux first impressions

for #4 under the not so good, did you edit your /etc/hosts to reflect your host name?


#3 2007-02-10 20:31:00

From: Down under
Registered: 2007-02-10
Posts: 102

Re: Arch Linux first impressions

codemac wrote:

for #4 under the not so good, did you edit your /etc/hosts to reflect your host name?

Yes, that is what I did to fix it. I guess I would have expected the arch install to handle that detail.



#4 2007-02-10 20:34:56

From: Greenville, NC
Registered: 2004-11-04
Posts: 2,228

Re: Arch Linux first impressions

dale77 wrote:
codemac wrote:

for #4 under the not so good, did you edit your /etc/hosts to reflect your host name?

Yes, that is what I did to fix it. I guess I would have expected the arch install to handle that detail.


It's a feature, not a bug. As a general rule you cannot count on the Arch installer to do any extra configuration tasks. It offers you the chance to edit the hosts file during setup.


#5 2007-02-11 01:24:02

From: Down under
Registered: 2007-02-10
Posts: 102

Re: Arch Linux first impressions

iBertus wrote:

It's a feature, not a bug.

Spoken like a true developer! smile

I just thought it might be better to replace the "leave hosts alone" feature with a "add entered host name to hosts" feature.



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