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Hey, I'm thinking in buying a dv6179ea (this particular model seems to be for some places only since I failed to find in the US/UK HP site, so specs are in portuguese) laptop next week.
I was wondering a few things that maybe someone can help with:
- has anyone tried Arch on a dv6000t series laptop? How did it go?
- it seems some of the newest HP laptop models have like 8Gb reserved (partition) for system recovery, since I'll only use Linux on it I was wondering if I can just format that partition and use it since it won't help recovering a Linux system. Also will this cause any warranty trouble?
- finally, any opinion/review anyone might have for this specific model?
I had hot love with my dv6018 for a month, until managed to install linux on it. I advise you not to buy HPs, because latest suck for real. If you are dare enough to buy dv6000 - check my blog:
IRC: Stalwart @ FreeNode
Skype ID: thestalwart
WeeChat-devel nightly packages for i686
That's a shame it's the only one with good specs and affordable price.
Also has anyone tried with kernel 2.6.20?
I recently bought a HP Pavilion DV6153EU and I'm not very happy with it. From what you read these are very good laptops and the price was extremely good. But once you have it problems started at least with the one I bought. I had a high pitched whining noise running on full CPU-Power and the engineer that was supposed to repair it the first time replaced the mainboard and forgot to flash the serial number on it so the recovery version of Windows didn't work any longer. And the whining noise was also still there. So I've send it back to repair. This time somebody called me up and first tried to convince me that sounds like that are totally normal and supposed to be there. On the second call he told me that he and 3 other people checked out the notebook and there would not be any strange noise like I reported. So I finally send him an email containing some links that proofed that there's something wrong. I mean some people report that noise some don't so it's definitely nothing that has to be. I've send a link to a youtube video where somebody recorded that noise and also a link to a forum where numerous of people reporting about the same problem with almost every new Pavilion model. Not only the dv6000 series has that problem, but also other newer series like dv9000 and so on. I've also send him links about the screwed up apic implementation in th BIOS and the problems that this causes for people willing to run linux on those devices. This all happened last week and up till now I didn't received anything from this guy. No email no message, he didn't call me up, nothing..... So I'm looking forward to get any kind of information at all.
After all, the device is not bad if it wouldn't have that terrible whining noise. Also the BIOS needs some fixing but once HP would do that those models are great.
So you have to be careful about that noise and if you also have problems running it with linux because of the broken BIOS functionality. If you can wait for one or two more weeks I'll report anything that happens during repair and let you and everybody else know if they could fix all the problems. I also heard that the kernel 2.6.20 would work with the broken BIOS better than the 2.6.19 can. So I guess you either wait some more time or you should better search for another Laptop not build from HP.
I hope this could help you at least a little bit.
To Stalwart and everybody else, who also owns an Pavilion Notebook with either a Intel Dual Core or an AMD Turion 64 X2:
Do some of you also have that whining noise? Please also let me know if you don't have something like that so I can go on proofing to HP that this problem doesn't affect every notebook so it can be fixed. Every report would be important, either if your device does whine while running on batteries (like mine does) or it doesn't. I want to collect as many proofs as possible so HP can't convince the users that this is no error at all.... Thanks!
Check this out, I think it helps you, not solve the problem itselfes, but as a workaround
Have you tried to turn it off and on again?
Actually I was aware of that before. But I don't think that doing workarounds is what I want. Also having all these workarounds doesn't solve the real problem. And if not everybody reports these problems HP probably keeps ignoring them and there will be no real solution in future. So I rather send this thing back 1000 times till they fix the problem that doing workarounds to help HP finding excuses and reasons to keep the quality level low. I think you know what I mean...
Anyway, thanks for the Link and I keep watching how this will end. Right now the people from HP I talked to think that it might have something to do with the battery. Once I know what it is, I'll post it to every forum I found where people reported these problems.
I mean what does HP thing fooling with the costumers? Telling people that this noise is wanted? When they told me I asked them if they think I'm stupid....:mad:
So I'm looking forward about what happens during the next 2 weeks. Can't wait on this too long, because I need that damn thing to work and bought it exactly for that.... but now I'm waiting for it since the beginning of January...
We'll see what happens. Again, please post here or in my other topic if you own a Pavilion with a two core CPU and if you have this sound or not.... Thanks!
I don't hear any pitch
IRC: Stalwart @ FreeNode
Skype ID: thestalwart
WeeChat-devel nightly packages for i686
Thank you all for the input.
Except for the high pitching sound (that seems to happen in some dv laptops), the rest seems to have workarounds and in the end it's possible to have Linux working with everything essential working right? Also what's not working now can be working in later kernel verisons or something?
I don't see another good laptop to buy here and I need it for work so I think I might take the chance (but the pitching sound is making me hesitant though).
That's exactly the reason why I bought that Laptop. It offers a lot of functionality but the price is hard to beat. Unfortunately I have that sound as noticed before. But they have an international pick-up service so I'll keep using it till everything is fixed I guess. Only if I'll find a better one I'll let them know that I want my money back.
Anyway, I think that there will be a workaround for the kernel problems with the DSDT. With 2.6.19 you still need to boot with certain kernel options but maybe they fixed it in kernel 2.6.20. I don't know yet since the laptop hasn't returned from repair. But as you said, tehre are workarounds that will work more or less. So it's up to you if this also works for what you want to do with the laptop....
About the high pitch noise:
I made some research on the web to check if there were some workarounds and found these:
Thread about it, might have alternative solutions if the above fail.
I hope it works, please give feedback here for those solutions to check if they work.
That's the problem. Most of the people having this problem are only using workarounds (the RMClock and USB Trick will only work on windows btw) instead of letting HP do what they're supposed to. They should start fixing problems that exist because of a lack in quality assurance. Workarounds will only help them find excuses and keep the consumers quiet. I think they need to fix that problem instead of keeping ignoring it and letting people do some workarounds. They have some sort of responsibility... I mean what would they say if you come up telling them you are only going to pay half of the original price for that thing because of that eeeing noise problem? They wouldn't do that no matter what you say. And as long as anybody pays for a fully working product, HP and all the others are responsible that their products are working they way they should. No workarounds should be needed to give them the chance to get rid of any responsibility towards the consumer....
BTW: You also wouldn't buy a car with only 3 wheels on it and pay the full price when the salesman offers you a workaround how to drive with only 3 wheels. So why doing this with computer products?
Yes, you're totally right and I understand that but since I need a laptop and this is the best I can get at the moment there's not much I can do then hoping I won't get the noise or trying workarounds.
Btw does anyone know how does the system recovery partition works? I need to have it intact untill 30 days store warranty expires since they want the original OS installed if I need to trade or return it so I was wondering if I can install Linux on it and if needed use the system recovery partition to restore the original OS, does anyone know about this?
I would be careful if I were you. I've send the Laptop to repair twice. At the moment it's still there. And two days ago the people from HP called me up and tried to tell me that there would be no such noise. This guy said, that he asked 3 other workers and nobody could hear anything. To me this sounds like the worst lie they could do. I think they don't know what else they can do to get it fixed and now they act like there wouldn't be such noise.
Well I told him, that he might go see some ear doctor but this would not be my problem since I and 4 other people over here heard that sound and that it's definitely not normal....
So whatever you do, just make sure that you'll send the notebook straight back if it starts eeeeeing...
About your question with the recovery partition: All I know is that I was asked to create recovery DVDs after the first time I started the laptop. So for me I had 2 recovery possibilities: Partition and DVDs. Needles to say that I deleted the recovery partition after the DVDs were burned....
I didn't find a way to use recovery partition after grub is installed. I just wiped it out when installed arch64 (was experimenting with ubuntu until found a way to get linux stable on lappy)
IRC: Stalwart @ FreeNode
Skype ID: thestalwart
WeeChat-devel nightly packages for i686
Thanks for both replies!
Well if it asks to create a recovery DVD at the first boot, then I suppose even with grub installed I could use it to recover everything (OS and applications wise) right? I'm not planning on erasing the recovery system partition untill the store warranty wears off.
Also I already read that kernel 2.1.20 is better and solve the 'acpi=noirq' or 'noacpi' problem wich sounds great to me
I've bought the laptop today, I did the system recovery dvds and notice while on Windows that there was no hught pitch noise (even when idle) and upgraded the BIOS afterwards (so there was no disable C4 option wich btw I kept it enable).
I tried to install Arch with the ftp-iso 7.2 and when fomarting the partition it seemed to take ages to write on the disk (but really ages) so I decided to use the 8.0beta1 iso-ftp instead and it went smoothly
I didn't have to use any kernel options so so far this is what I've tested:
- Touchpad (including scroll), works fine
- Wireless, I've managed to install the module and daemon (ipw3945) and it's recognized by iwconfig but I don't have any wlan to test it on
- SD/etc Card Reader, works fine but KDE for some reason doesn't automount it or even show a dismount icon (I manually mount/umount it)
- Quickplay buttons, well these obviously don't work since they're part of the keyboard and I don't know how to tell the sytem how to handle the events (not sure if it's possible, any tip is welcome )
- Webcam, I installed uvcvideo drivers and luvcview to test it and seems to work fine (the blue LED was on and it capture image just fine but the proggie is still limited), I was wondering if there are any better applications to test the webcam better (xawtv didnt work btw)
- Sound with/without headphones, well this one I haven't figured out yet, the sound plays fine but when I plug in the headphones the sound still plays on the main spears so in order to only listen through the headphones I have to mute the speakers while on it (which it's a pretty dumb thing to do )
- Temperature sensores, well this one I couldn't get it right either, I did the sensors-detect and followed the instructions there but it didnt seem to detect the cpu sensors or anything. It only detected coretemp, eeprom and i2c-i801 but they don't seem to be related to the cpu?
- cpufreq, ok this one I couldn't make it work at all, any help is really appreciated since without this I can't get if there's a hight pitch noise when the cpu is idle (when its frequency is suppose to lower considerably, right now since cpufreq doesnt work it's always the same)
Edit: I think I figured out the cpufreq thing I followed arch's wiki entry on speedstep and now the cpufreq-info output seems alright:
cpufrequtils 002: cpufreq-info (C) Dominik Brodowski 2004-2006
Report errors and bugs to, please.
analyzing CPU 0:
driver: acpi-cpufreq
CPUs which need to switch frequency at the same time: 0 1
hardware limits: 1000 MHz - 1.83 GHz
available frequency steps: 1.83 GHz, 1.33 GHz, 1000 MHz
available cpufreq governors: conservative, performance
current policy: frequency should be within 1000 MHz and 1.80 GHz.
The governor "conservative" may decide which speed to use
within this range.
current CPU frequency is 1000 MHz.
analyzing CPU 1:
driver: acpi-cpufreq
CPUs which need to switch frequency at the same time: 0 1
hardware limits: 1000 MHz - 1.83 GHz
available frequency steps: 1.83 GHz, 1.33 GHz, 1000 MHz
available cpufreq governors: conservative, performance
current policy: frequency should be within 1000 MHz and 1.80 GHz.
The governor "conservative" may decide which speed to use
within this range.
current CPU frequency is 1000 MHz.
Also I still don't hear any hight pitch noise
Last edited by Grimn (2007-02-20 01:06:20)
QuickPlay button howto is part of my dv6018 guide. Read
IRC: Stalwart @ FreeNode
Skype ID: thestalwart
WeeChat-devel nightly packages for i686
Thanks, I had already try that but didn't work for me. Also as you said there after the suspend the jack sound doesnt work anymore.
Do cpufreq-info and show me the output please, the same goes to anyone who has high pitch noise.
I want to check something- Thanks.
Sorry, but I guess this has to wait a little longer since I still don't have the Laptop back from second repair try.
All I can say for now is that the high-pitched sound only appears when running on batteries (no voltage connector is plugged in) AND when the CPU works on it's highest frequency state. So for mi this would be 1.6 GHz. When running on anything below 1.6 GHz the sound won't be noticeable....
I'm gonna send you the output as soon as I got my Laptop back and Linux is installed again...
Meanwhile maybe you can tell me what you want to check. Maybe you have got something I haven't thought of yet...
I thought the noise was on low frequencies, I wanted to check if your lowest frequency was lower than mine which would explain why I don't hear any high pitch noise.
Still before I had cpufreq working as it should it took me a day and meanwhile it run at max frequency and had idle moments and still no hight pitch and since it's higher than your max frequency I have no clue what's the factor that determines that hight pitch noise.
I hope it's disappeared when you get it back, I can imagine how annoying it must be.
So I was wondering if anyone got the fn+f7 and fn+f8 keys working (for bright control)? In Ubuntu Edgy 0.74 it works out-of-the-box, it's suppose to be because of the new kernel 2.6.20 but theirs is different from ours in some way since it doesn't work here. Also I notice a acpi-support file in the /etc/acpi/ and lot of handlers that Arch doens't have, in that acpi-support file it mentioned hp dv6000t series support so I wonder...Any clue?
They work on my dv6018 out of box
IRC: Stalwart @ FreeNode
Skype ID: thestalwart
WeeChat-devel nightly packages for i686
Solution: Add parameter idle=halt on boot
Solution for what exactly? the fn+f7 and fn+f8 keys?