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#1 2024-07-21 06:33:31

Registered: 2022-08-08
Posts: 57

Support status for force-feedback in gamepad triggers

Hello everyone,

I discovered in my machine (arch) that force-feedback (or rumble effect) doesn't work in my gamepads triggers (I use an Xbox one controller) controlled by a game.

It seems there currently no support for controlling the force-feedback of gamepad triggers by the kernel. I just wanted to make sure that I researched this correctly.

Do does anyone know that this should work with recent kernels?

To clarify: I don't mean force-feedback of the controller body. This works great.

There currently is the xpad module in the kernel and from the docs and the source code it seems there is no support for ff in triggers.

There are other drivers like xone and xpadneo (see the arch Gamepad wiki for details). xpadneo supports trigger feedback, but not based on data from the game, but instead ff based on the pressure applied to the triggers.

Except of the xpadneo driver, the gamepad drivers don't support trigger ff and the kernel doesn't provide trigger ff interfaces for games at the moment (I guess).

Happy gaming

Last edited by topasiss (2024-07-21 06:44:54)


#2 2024-07-21 06:49:32

Registered: 2024-02-03
Posts: 1,327

Re: Support status for force-feedback in gamepad triggers

I found this list: … e_triggers
according to the explanation right at the top the trigger-FF is not part of the regular XInput lib but has to be supported by the game itself via some specific different api
so - what games are you talking about and are they listed in the linked list?


#3 2024-07-21 09:37:26

Registered: 2022-08-08
Posts: 57

Re: Support status for force-feedback in gamepad triggers

Thanks, I tested MotoGP 20 for reference and my question originated from experimenting with Assetto Corsa*. Both games are not listed.

* Assetto is a special one. I use it with this mod. Assetto is not meant to be played with a gamepad, this mod makes it possible and also makes trigger feedback possible. I know it works on a recent windows 11, because someone else plays it in parallel with this mod (with a slightly different xbox controller: Xbox Elite. I checked to test this controller with my machine).
I can make the triggers work with xpadneo in that mod, but I guess this way not the game controls the trigger feedback, but xpadneo with its pressure dependent implementation.
See here: xpadneo under configuration.

I just realised that I didn't talk about wine/proton.
For playing the game Assetto Corsa uses proton-GE. So yes that's in between.
Well I thought the first thing would be to know if the kernel can do it properly and then go through the layers proton and game.


#4 2024-07-21 10:59:28

Registered: 2024-02-03
Posts: 1,327

Re: Support status for force-feedback in gamepad triggers

Point is: The game doesn't support this feature natively - and some mod seems only implemented very specifically for windows. So in the end it comes down to something application specific and looking at the specifics of the trigger-FF also hardware specific - nothing for the mainline kernel.
Or to turn the question around: Why the Linux mainline kernel should support such a (windows) specific feature which has to be implemented by the game dev in the first place? Maybe someone can provide something specific - but I doubt it will end up in the kernel - let alone for licence reasons as it seems proprietary under a non-public microsoft licence. Such stuff cannot be upstream legally.


#5 2024-07-23 04:48:03

Registered: 2022-08-08
Posts: 57

Re: Support status for force-feedback in gamepad triggers

So it is very unlikely that the kernel currently supports it.

So that means that if it should work, then wine or proton has to have support for it.

Last edited by topasiss (2024-07-23 04:48:18)


#6 2024-07-23 06:04:07

Registered: 2022-08-08
Posts: 57

Re: Support status for force-feedback in gamepad triggers

I meant, if it should work, then wine or proton have to handle it.

I maybe ask there.

Last edited by topasiss (2024-07-23 06:04:22)


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