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#1 2024-07-26 05:49:06

Registered: 2015-04-08
Posts: 3

Suddenly Compressing Package with Paru is Slow

Seems like recently (not sure exactly when) the "Compressing package" step in the AUR build when installing from paru is very slow. Much slower than it used to be. Most will sit on that step for about 2-3 minutes. Taking a very long time to just install 3 or 4 packages.

CPU is around 40% usage throughout that time. Memory is hardly used at all.

Quad core 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz

I took a screenshot, but don't see how to add it. Anyway, it's just the terminal showing all the typical paru output, sitting at the bottom with the "Compressing package" line. And showing CPU at 40%.

These packages just took 14 minutes:
Packages (6) 1password-8.10.36-46  brave-bin-1:1.68.128-1  google-chrome-127.0.6533.72-1  grimshot-1.10-1  microsoft-edge-stable-bin-127.0.2651.74-1  zoom-6.1.1-1

Any ideas?

Last edited by jbhardman (2024-07-26 05:50:28)


#2 2024-07-26 05:51:53

Package Maintainer (PM)
From: Germany
Registered: 2024-02-10
Posts: 380

Re: Suddenly Compressing Package with Paru is Slow

This is most likely due to a change of the defaults in /etc/makepkg.conf: … /issues/23
These defaults will likely be reverted when the new pacman release is packaged.

Last edited by gromit (2024-07-26 05:52:55)


#3 2024-07-26 06:58:12

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,103

Re: Suddenly Compressing Package with Paru is Slow

Compressing transient packages that only exist for an AUR helper to the decompress and install is rather pointless anyway, consider



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