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SoundConverter 0.9.3
GTK Accessibility Module initialized
** (soundconverter:20308): WARNING **: AT_SPI_REGISTRY was not started at session startup.
** (soundconverter:20308): WARNING **: IOR not set.
** (soundconverter:20308): WARNING **: Could not locate registry
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/gnome/bin/soundconverter", line 69, in ?
import gst
ImportError: No module named gst
GTK Accessibility Module initialized
** ( WARNING **: AT_SPI_REGISTRY was not started at session startup.
** ( WARNING **: IOR not set.
** ( WARNING **: Could not locate registry
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/gnome/lib/listen/", line 50, in ?
import pygst
ImportError: No module named pygst
Its a sick world we live in....
Are you using python 2.5 from testing?
nop only current
Its a sick world we live in....
Do you have gstreamer0.10-python install? If yes, you can try reinstalling it.
thnaks snowman...the problm was on that same package..i was using another version...dunno were i got it....but its working know..thanks alot..keep up your good work....:)
Its a sick world we live in....