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#1 2024-08-07 11:39:24

Registered: 2023-11-26
Posts: 71

Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc


I've recently encountered a graphical artifact issue on my KDE Plasma 6.1 desktop with my AMD RX 7800 XT. This problem arises when I have applications open on my second monitor, and it becomes particularly noticeable when running Furmark. Interestingly, the GL benchmark in Furmark does not trigger the artifacts, but the Vulkan benchmark does. Additionally, running Plasma 6.1 in X11 does not cause any graphical artifacts.

To rule out hardware issues, I installed an RX 6600 in my system, but the problem persisted, indicating that the graphics card is not the cause. I've also observed that hovering the mouse over Furmark stops the artifacting temporarily.

I've attached a video to demonstrate the issue. Any insights or assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


#2 2024-08-07 11:40:33

Registered: 2023-11-26
Posts: 71

Re: Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc

also sorry in advance I couldn't just share the file of it artifact on the forum so I used YouTube as a host for the file


#3 2024-08-07 12:01:11

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 23,923

Re: Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc

What are the refreshrates of the two monitors? Is one or the other freesync capable and does the artifact happen on both of them? There have been some bugs with freesync in the recent kernels. One other suggestion I have is whether this is related to the tearing enablement protocol, try disabling that in the monitor settings.  Is vsync enabled "in-game"/in the benchmark?


#4 2024-08-07 12:03:07

Registered: 2023-11-26
Posts: 71

Re: Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc

both monitors support the FreeSync Premium Feature and they are running at 144hz they can go as high as 165hz but I have them set at 144hz


#5 2024-08-07 12:05:07

Registered: 2023-11-26
Posts: 71

Re: Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc

I will have them both be 1440p soon but right now its 1440p on the right and 1080p on the left the left one will be replaced with another of the one on the right and it happens for the most part on the left one


#6 2024-08-07 12:06:06

Registered: 2023-11-26
Posts: 71

Re: Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc

I have caught it happening slightly on the 1440p one but it tends it happen more often on the left one


#7 2024-08-07 12:13:00

Registered: 2023-11-26
Posts: 71

Re: Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc

combined with what you are telling me this might be a Wayland issue combined with issues in Linux Zen 6.10.3 the thing is I won't know how to report this or who to report it too also it might not be a bug it could just be something with my setup idk


#8 2024-08-07 12:14:15

Registered: 2023-11-26
Posts: 71

Re: Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc

to test the wayland kernel issue theory  I am going to try downgrading to Linux Zen 6.9 with the downgrade command to see what happens


#9 2024-08-07 12:55:38

Registered: 2023-11-26
Posts: 71

Re: Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc

so the kernel downgrades went nowhere but I learned something it disappeared when I hovered my mouse over it because I had freesync premium turned on on the monitors


#10 2024-08-07 13:06:51

Registered: 2023-11-26
Posts: 71

Re: Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc

here is what I know so far
- my second monitor has terrible artifact issues
- it is starting to bleed over into my main monitor a tiny bit
- hovering over an app like furmark makes it go away but only because I have freesync enabled
- running the Plasma desktop in an X11 session doesn't cause artifacts
- running the OpenGL version of the same benchmark doesn't cause artifacts
- Furmark seems to be running in XWayland
- Disabling freesync makes the artifacts happen without fail (no ability to hover mouse and temp stop it)
Conclusion I am very confused and need help in figuring out what is happening here

Last edited by Ozzy_Helix_ (2024-08-07 13:07:25)


#11 2024-08-08 21:11:07

Registered: 2023-11-26
Posts: 71

Re: Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc

I reinstalled Arch Linux and redid my KDE config files and for the moment the artifacts is gone but I suspect it will return so I will report back when it returns


#12 2024-08-08 21:56:28

Registered: 2023-11-26
Posts: 71

Re: Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc

look this has been stressful because the artifacts look like a dying graphics card. but I have swapped between multiple cards and its the same issue on multiple cards so that can't be it so far I've tested a RX 7800 XT and a RX 6600 both had the same issue. the fact that hovering my mouse over the program makes the artifacts disappear clearly points to a problem in wayland on KDE in my setup but the artifacts look similar to a dying graphics card so it scared me into thinking I had hardware failure


#13 2024-08-08 22:01:12

Registered: 2023-11-26
Posts: 71

Re: Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc

I was able to make it disappear temporarily by running Doom Eternal through Steam Proton GE on the screen in borderless windowed mode and then running furmark so idk could it just be furmark being bugged or does this need more investigation

Last edited by Ozzy_Helix_ (2024-08-08 22:04:09)


#14 2024-08-08 22:23:15

Registered: 2023-11-26
Posts: 71

Re: Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc

I am at a loss I have no idea what is going on and why this is happening but its clearly a bug on wayland I would like to try other gpu benchmarking software to rule out a possible bug in furkmark's linux version but I am stuggling to find one. in the mean time I will just use my Plasma desktop in X11 session since that doesn't cause artifacts I would much rather use wayland but I will use X11 til this is fixed


#15 2024-08-08 23:29:41

Registered: 2023-11-26
Posts: 71

Re: Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc

so I can't figure out what in KDE's wayland implementation is causing it to artifact like post 1 all I know is that my KDE desktop is artifacting and that the only fix for right now is to run KDE in an X11 session which kind of sucks. this is very frustrating and I can't figure it out. so far I've tested other distros and Manjaro of all things is unaffected but that is the only arch based distro I've tested. this could be a packaging issue with KDE or a bug upstream but idk I just don't know but I don't have very good mental health right now and need to take a break from this for the sake of my mental health


#16 2024-08-08 23:30:45

Registered: 2023-11-26
Posts: 71

Re: Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc

I'm just upset because I would rather be using wayland for KDE than X11 because wayland works so much better most of the time


#17 2024-08-09 01:12:54

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 23,923

Re: Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc

please edit your posts if no one has replied in between. Have you tried disabling the fullscreen tearing prevention implementation in the monitor settings? I've mostly seen stuttering no visual issues but I could see that having a relation/generally check whether disabling VRR/Freesync works.


#18 2024-08-09 01:19:00

Registered: 2023-11-26
Posts: 71

Re: Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc

I will edit post in the future I don't seem to be able to do it after the fact as for the issue. what is happening when I run my KDE Plasma 6.1.3 desktop on wayland then try and run a Vulkan app like Furmark 2 I get Graphical artifacts and moving the mouse over the furmark full screen window makes the artifacts go away. if I try to do the same thing in an X11 session of Plasma 6.1.3 the graphical artifacts don't appears. and for some reason when VRR/Freesync is disabled on the monitors hovering the mouse over the Furmark windows does nothing the artifacts remain. that is all I know about this and I don't know where to begin with trying to debug my desktop

I am trying to find the source of the problem I linked to a video showing what is going on but I am lost as to why and how it is happeing

Last edited by Ozzy_Helix_ (2024-08-09 01:21:14)


#19 2024-08-09 01:23:43

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 23,923

Re: Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc

There's a "global" setting in

kcmshell6 kcm_kscreen

to enable tearing for fullscreen applications, does toggling that help? Do you see this phenomena anywhere else or is just furmark affected? I'd not care too much about that if it's just furmark.


#20 2024-08-09 01:29:39

Registered: 2023-11-26
Posts: 71

Re: Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc

enabling full screen tearing doesn't seem to have an effect no

I also noticed artifacts happen when full sizing a YouTube Video in Firefox Developer edition on the second monitor so there is more than just furmark going on here. it happens if I spam left click to full size the YouTube Video
setting color profile to built in actually makes it go away so maybe it has something to do with color settings idk but I don't have any color profiles both my monitors show up as HKC OVERSEAS LIMITED 24E3 and HKC OVERSEAS LIMITED 27E1QA respective

EDIT: Setting the Color Profile to Built in or downloading an ICC color profile and using that actually helps but the question is for how long we will see

EDIT 2: it appears to be a bug with the color profiles having them both set to none caused it but having the second monitor set to a ICC profile fixed it maybe replacing that monitor with another of my main monitor will solve it.
so that possible means that having a 1440p primary monitor and a 1080p secondary on Linux will cause artifacting because of a bug with color profiles at least that is my working theory I will let you know if it breaks again

EDIT 3: downgrading colord-kde to 24.05.2-1 has made the issues go away for the moment I am able to turn off the color profiles and the artifacts are gone so it appears that there is something wrong there that is causing issues

EDIT 4: I am going to hold off on trying to report this to KDE because idk if this is a packaging issue in Arch or a problem upstream or a problem on my machine alone and not a bug this requires more investigation and I need to get some sleep and relax a bit because this has been stressing me out for a week but all you need to know for now is downgrading to colord-kde 24.05.2-1 fixed the issue for now and I am just going to take a break from this I have been working around the clock on this for a couple days and nights and need a break so be back in 2 days after I've relaxed a bit

EDIT 5: the only fix for the moment is to set a color profile so I copied the Rec709.icc file from colord to make that work I don't think I should need a color profile to prevent a graphical artifacts but for some reason setting a color profile makes it go away so I am very confused on why it is still happening even after the downgrade of colord-kde guess that wasn't the problem

EDIT 6: I recorded a video of what is going on so you all can see what is happening V1del I hope this gives you a better idea of what is going on
again YouTube was the best place I could think to host the video file

it looks like a dying GPU but hovering my mouse over it with freesync enabled or enabling a color profile for the monitor makes it go away

so far I can tell you what I've tried
- downgrading colord-kde
- downgrading xorg-xwayland
- downgrading my zen kernel
- installing colord-kde-git from the aur
- trying other DEs to see if it happens there I tried weston, xfce(that worked because it was xorg based) gnome worked fine hyprland interesting had the same problems
- tried upgrading and downgrading my BIOS to see if it was a problem with my firmware
- reinstalled my plasma deskop
- reinstalled arch linux
- restored arch linux from an older backup
none of this stuff worked

the only things that seem to make it stop are
- running kde in x11 session
- hovering my mouse over the app with freesync enabled
- running a icc color profile on my plasma desktop

it is frustrating because I am no closer to finding the source of the problem

EDIT 7: I watched journalctl and found this when furkmark runs

Aug 13 17:23:42 Ozzy-Pro wireplumber[1603]: wp-event-dispatcher: <WpAsyncEventHook:0x5b73bfe2f190> failed: <WpSiStandardLink:0x5b73bfe7ba50> link failed: some node was destroyed before the link was created
Aug 13 17:23:46 Ozzy-Pro kwin_wayland[1513]: kf.windowsystem: static bool KX11Extras::mapViewport() may only be used on X11
Aug 13 17:23:46 Ozzy-Pro kwin_wayland[1513]: kwin_scene_opengl: 0x2: GL_INVALID_VALUE in glTexStorage2D(width, height or depth < 1)
Aug 13 17:23:46 Ozzy-Pro kwin_wayland[1513]: kwin_scene_opengl: Invalid framebuffer status:  "GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT"
Aug 13 17:23:46 Ozzy-Pro kwin_wayland[1513]: kwin_scene_opengl: 0x2: GL_INVALID_OPERATION in glBindFramebuffer(non-gen name)
Aug 13 17:23:46 Ozzy-Pro kwin_wayland[1513]: kwin_scene_opengl: 0x2: GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION in glClear(incomplete framebuffer)

EDIT 8: another working theory I have is my monitors might be obscure and might have terrible Linux support as a result they are this brand and model of monitor
they are Koorui 27E1QA … 221014.pdf

KDE sees them as HKC OVERSEAS LIMTED 27E1QA and I have 2 of them they are a brand from China

EDIT 9: I learned some info from make a bug report on kde's site that lead to an issue being created on amd's driver on gitlab and that issue being moved to mesa
and I discovered this issue

this is my issue

what I was told by the KDE devs is wrote:

Setting an ICC profile inhibits direct scanout, which will be the cause of the problem here. The glitches could be caused by either the Vulkan driver or the kernel driver, but I'll let driver developers figure that out.

Last edited by Ozzy_Helix_ (2024-08-14 15:16:34)


#21 2024-10-29 05:21:47

Registered: 2024-10-29
Posts: 1

Re: Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc

I also have artifacting, I first saw that it happens going in full screen, when I enable "Show compositing" in desktop effects it shows "Compositing" in top left of screen, going into full screen(Firefox, games, Funmark) "Compositing" disappears and artifacting occurs for a second, like random colors flash. Enabling color profile like someone mentioned above, compositing text doesnt disappear after going into full screen and artifacting doesn't happen.

Last edited by H2102M (2024-10-29 09:33:31)


#22 2024-10-29 20:36:17

Registered: 2023-11-26
Posts: 71

Re: Graphical artifacting on KDE Plasma 6.1.3 with vulkan applications etc

it turns out it might have been a bug in Plasma 6.1 because when I upgraded to Plasma 6.2 it went away for the record I am using wayland

Last edited by Ozzy_Helix_ (2024-10-29 20:36:44)


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