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Want to automate a wayland installation I am working on. Can see how profiles work but list of packages is quite long so is there another way to add packages? possibly via post-install? Also would like to add my current configs for sway and waybar to install is that at all possible?
Last edited by Mr Green (2024-08-10 06:54:44)
Mr Green
That's exactly what profiles are for.
Can see how profiles work but list of packages is quite long so...
That does not follow. Why is the length of the list an issue. It's just a simple list that you paste into the profile.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
I can work around that, by default sway profile does not have a config setup. I would like to copy default one from /etc/sway but I guess that can be done buy using post_install.
"profile": {
"hostname": "archlinux",
"timezone": "UTC",
"locale": "en_GB.UTF-8",
"keyboard_layout": "gb",
"bootloader": "grub",
"disk": {
"device": "/dev/sda",
"partitions": [
"mountpoint": "/boot",
"size": "512M",
"type": "fat32"
"mountpoint": "/",
"size": "remaining",
"type": "ext4"
"users": [
"username": "mrgreen",
"password": "password",
"groups": ["wheel"]
"packages": [
"services": [
"post_install": [
"description": "Enable wheel group sudo privileges",
"command": "sed -i 's/# %wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL/%wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL/' /etc/sudoers"
"description": "Enable and start NetworkManager",
"command": "systemctl enable --now NetworkManager"
Other thing I wanted to know is if syntax is correct?
Mr Green
Well it always helps if you have the correct syntax ;-(
custom-commands did the trick and it is working fine now...
Marking thread as solved.
Mr Green