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#1 2024-08-14 06:59:35

Registered: 2015-06-14
Posts: 228

pts/2 is now locked by user?

I use nnn file manager in terminal. I accidentally hit Win+Shift+left in nnn file manager, it entered in the following prompt:

This tty (pts/2) is not a virtual console.

The pts/2 is now locked by username.

What is that? What am I supposed to do?


#2 2024-11-11 17:01:20

Registered: 2012-03-14
Posts: 9

Re: pts/2 is now locked by user?

I have the sam ething with nnn , and tty (pts/0)  when using nnn.
moreover it seems to occur in my wm which is DWM for wayland.  It happens when I try to move an nn windwow to window numvers 2 and 3 only. AAlos when I try to move a bare terminal to the same windows 2 and 3,  instead of the Mod1+Shift+window numb erbeing utilised,  the letters ;10uc are written to stdout.

I remain puzzeled after weeks and much searching.


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