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Yesterday, I updated my system for the first time in 2 or 3 weeks, but it failed. I already looked up other posts, but the solutions were quite different, and I don't want to do more damage.
It's probably important to know that I'm using Arch since March, I'm using BTRFS. But didn't create any subvolumes during the installation. I did it afterwards for @root and @home and everything works fine. But the thing is, I did it like 3 weeks ago and the aforementioned system update might be the first one since (but I'm not sure), so I guess that the problem might have something to do with it.
I get the following error while trying to boot
(my default):
while trying to use
instead, get the following error:
ERROR: Boot device mounted successfully, but /sbin/init does not exist.
Bailing out, you are on your own. Good luck.
sh: can't access tty: job control turned off
[rootfs ~]
and entering
systemctl status boot-efi.mount
the output is:
My /etc/fstab is:
# UUID=cdb4ca26-6a23-4cc2-b24b-b26148eed169
/dev/nvme0n1p3 / btrfs rw,relatime,ssd,discard=async,space_cache=v2,subvol=/@ 0 0
#/dev/nvme0n1p3 /top btrfs rw,relatime,ssd,discard=async,space_cache=v2,subvolid=5 0 0
#/dev/nvme0n1p3 / btrfs rw,relatime,ssd,discard=async,space_cache=v2,subvolid=5,subvol=/ 0 0
/dev/nvme0n1p3 /home btrfs rw,relatime,ssd,discard=async,space_cache=v2,subvol=/@home 0 0
#/dev/nvme0n1p3 /home/top btrfs rw,relatime,ssd,discard=async,space_cache=v2,subvolid=5 0 0
#/dev/nvm btrfs rw,relatime,ssd,discard=async,space_cache=v2,subvolid=5,subvol=/ 0 0
# UUID=3570-5683
/dev/nvme0n1p1 /boot/efi vfat rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=ascii,shortname=mixed,utf8,errors=remount-ro 0 2
# UUID=c26c2d61-9968-4116-bed9-96dcbf9674db
/dev/nvme0n1p2 none swap defaults 0 0
My grub.cgf is as following:
grub-btrfs is:
I don't have an Arch live USB, but I have EndeavourOS on a different drive, so I can boot into it to perform maintenance.
I would really appreciate any help!
Last edited by Ektif (2024-09-30 17:49:43)
I ran
uname -a
and it says
Linux NexusArch 6.10.7-zen1-1-zen
pacman -Qi linux-zen
pacman -S linux-zen
seems to reinstall the kernel, but after rebooting, it still is on 6.10.7-zen-1-1
If I understood it correctly, it may be related to the problem. It does not seem to use the newer kernel.
Any help, please?
In the post before, I ran these commands while booting into arch.
Now, I chrooted into Arch (because /boot/efi was not mounted) and:
mount /dev/nvme0n1p3 /mnt -o subvol=@
mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/boot/efit
arch-chroot /mnt
pacman -S linux linux-zen linux-lts base linux-firmware
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
After rebooting, nothing changed. I'm still on 6.10.7-zen1-1-zen. I don't even know if this is really the problem here.
The output of
pacman -S linux linux-zen linux-lts base linux-firmware
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
(base) [root@EndeavourNexus /]# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Generating grub configuration file ...
Found theme: /usr/share/grub/themes/Retroboot/theme.txt
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-linux-zen
Found initrd image: /boot/amd-ucode.img /boot/initramfs-linux-zen.img
Found fallback initrd image(s) in /boot: amd-ucode.img initramfs-linux-zen-fallback.img
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-linux-lts
Found initrd image: /boot/amd-ucode.img /boot/initramfs-linux-lts.img
Found fallback initrd image(s) in /boot: amd-ucode.img initramfs-linux-lts-fallback.img
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-linux
Found initrd image: /boot/amd-ucode.img /boot/initramfs-linux.img
Found fallback initrd image(s) in /boot: amd-ucode.img initramfs-linux-fallback.img
Warning: os-prober will not be executed to detect other bootable partitions.
Systems on them will not be added to the GRUB boot configuration.
Check GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER documentation entry.
Adding boot menu entry for UEFI Firmware Settings ...
Detecting snapshots ...
Found snapshot: 2024-09-04 12:07:25 | timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2024-09-04_12-07-25/@ | ondemand | N/A |
Found snapshot: 2024-09-04 11:41:47 | timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2024-09-04_11-41-47/@ | ondemand | N/A |
Found snapshot: 2024-09-03 18:05:13 | timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2024-09-03_18-05-13/@ | ondemand | N/A |
Found 3 snapshot(s)
Unmount /tmp/grub-btrfs.ApRYEcItwy .. Success
(base) [root@EndeavourNexus /]#
Btw., the grub output says that the timeshift-btrfs snapshots are found, but none of them show in grub while booting.
Now I know where the problem is!
On my disk, I have the subvolumes
with @ as my new root.
Since I migrated to subvolumes, I still have /boot in my old root where @ is located. But I have another /boot in my @ directory. When I update, it updates @/boot, while my /boot in my old root is outdated.
I'm glad that I didn't clean up yet. So I copied the contents of @/boot to /boot, and now I can boot into Arch again (and see my timeshift backups in grub while booting!).
It works, but it is pretty messed up
Did configure fstab wrong?
# UUID=cdb4ca26-6a23-4cc2-b24b-b26148eed169
/dev/nvme0n1p3 / btrfs rw,relatime,ssd,discard=async,space_cache=v2,subvol=/@ 0 0
#/dev/nvme0n1p3 /top btrfs rw,relatime,ssd,discard=async,space_cache=v2,subvolid=5 0 0
#/dev/nvme0n1p3 / btrfs rw,relatime,ssd,discard=async,space_cache=v2,subvolid=5,subvol=/ 0 0
/dev/nvme0n1p3 /home btrfs rw,relatime,ssd,discard=async,space_cache=v2,subvol=/@home 0 0
#/dev/nvme0n1p3 /home/top btrfs rw,relatime,ssd,discard=async,space_cache=v2,subvolid=5 0 0
#/dev/nvm btrfs rw,relatime,ssd,discard=async,space_cache=v2,subvolid=5,subvol=/ 0 0
# UUID=3570-5683
/dev/nvme0n1p1 /boot/efi vfat rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=ascii,shortname=mixed,utf8,errors=remount-ro 0 2
# UUID=c26c2d61-9968-4116-bed9-96dcbf9674db
/dev/nvme0n1p2 none swap defaults 0 0
Does the section with /boot/efi has to look different?
My guess would be
/dev/nvme0n1p1 /boot/efi vfat rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=ascii,shortname=mixed,utf8,errors=remount-ro subvol=/@/boot/efi 0 2
You need to run the grub-install command again so that GRUB looks for grub.cfg in the @ subvolume.
EDIT: and please edit posts rather than add new ones if nobody has replied (as I have done in this post), it makes the thread much more readable.
Last edited by Head_on_a_Stick (2024-09-29 14:37:29)
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
Thank you very much! It works now.
Pages: 1