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#1 2024-10-10 20:20:21

Registered: 2016-09-27
Posts: 38

[Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

Since the update to Plasma 6.2 Conky doesn't show lines and border lines any more but hasn't got further issues with text: Text and color rendering are flawless. Just lines and the lines of frames (downspeedgraph) disappeared!?
Maybe Plasma graphics changed the way of interpreting Conkys graphic configs?

Here one of my conky.conf:

conky.config = {
-- Conky settings
	background = false,
	update_interval = 1,
	cpu_avg_samples = 2,
	net_avg_samples = 2,
	double_buffer = true,
	no_buffers = true,
	text_buffer_size = 2048,
	temperature_unit = 'celsius',

-- Window specifications
	own_window = true,
	own_window_class = 'Conky',
	own_window_type = 'normal',
	own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
	own_window_transparent = true,
	own_window_argb_visual = true,
        own_window_argb_value = 0,
	border_inner_margin = 10,
	border_outer_margin = 0,
	minimum_width = 340, 
        minimum_height = 5,
	alignment = 'top_left',
	xinerama_head = 2,
	gap_x = 400,
	gap_y = 280,

-- Graphics settings
	draw_shades = false,
	draw_outline = false,
	draw_borders = false,
	draw_graph_borders = false,
	border_width = 0,
	stippled_borders = 1,

-- Text settings
	use_xft = true,
	override_utf8_locale = true,
	font = 'monofur:size=14',
        font1 = 'monofur:size=20',
	xftalpha = 0.9,
	uppercase = false,
	default_color = 'FFFFFF',
	default_shade_color = '000000',
	default_outline_color = '000000',
	color1 = '4ECBDC'

conky.text = [[
${font1}${color1}MEMORY ${color}${hr}
${font}${color1}RAM:   ${alignc}${color}$mem / $memmax${alignr}$memperc%
${font}${color1}SWAP:  ${alignc}${color}$swap / $swapmax${alignr}$swapperc%

Operating System: Arch Linux
KDE Plasma Version: 6.2.0
KDE Frameworks Version: 6.6.0
Qt Version: 6.7.3
Kernel Version: 6.11.2-arch1-1 (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: Wayland
Graphics Processor: Mesa Intel® UHD Graphics 630

Last edited by kinoe (2024-10-17 22:37:21)

“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”  Mark Twain


#2 2024-10-11 06:36:11

Registered: 2015-02-25
Posts: 4

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

As a temporary solution, you can try increasing the value of "own_window_argb_value".


#3 2024-10-11 18:55:20

Registered: 2016-09-27
Posts: 38

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

That quite did it! Thanks! I never knew what "own_window_argb_value" stands for- now I know.
Though I don't know what is the cause for that issue? Does someone know and could explain?

Last edited by kinoe (2024-10-11 18:58:23)

“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”  Mark Twain


#4 2024-10-12 08:07:17

Registered: 2016-09-27
Posts: 38

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

However, embedded images are still not displayed:

${image ~/Pictures/icons/ncpi2.png -p 1,29 -s 40x25}
${image ~/Pictures/icons/adg.svg -p 1,62 -s 90x50}

Is there also a temporary solution by altering the settings, like changing a value...?

Last edited by kinoe (2024-10-14 19:51:12)

“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”  Mark Twain


#5 2024-10-13 09:04:40

Registered: 2015-02-25
Posts: 4

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

Try to completely disable "own_window_argb_value = 0,"
with "-- own_window_argb_value = 0," or remove line
and completely restart conky via "killall conky"


#6 2024-10-13 21:26:41

Registered: 2016-09-27
Posts: 38

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

Thanks, that improved the graphical representation as a whole. But the images still aren't visible.

“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”  Mark Twain


#7 2024-10-14 08:49:05

From: Dorchester, Dorset, UK
Registered: 2013-01-23
Posts: 117

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

Try this as it works OK here. May need some editing.

conky.config = {
	alignment = 'top_right',
	background = true,
	use_xft = true,
    font = 'sans-serif:size=14:weight=bold',
    font1 = 'sans-serif:size=20:weight=bold',
	update_interval = 1,
	own_window = true,
	own_window_type = 'normal',
	own_window_transparent = true,
	own_window_argb_visual = true,
	own_window_argb_value = 200,
	own_window_class = 'Conky',
    own_window_type = 'normal',
    own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,skip_taskbar,sticky,skip_pager',
---	out_to_x = false,
    out_to_wayland = true,
	draw_shades = false,
	draw_outline = false,
	own_window_colour = '#000000',
	own_window_hints = 'undecorated,sticky,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
	cpu_avg_samples = 2,
	default_color = 'FFFFFF',
	double_buffer = true,
	draw_shades = false,
	gap_x = 100,
	gap_y = 100,
	maximum_width = 280,
	xftalpha = 0.8,



#8 2024-10-14 19:31:20

Registered: 2016-09-27
Posts: 38

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

Thanks for bothering. I don't exactly know what I'm looking for. Perhaps you detect an inappropriate setting in my conky.conf? As I mentioned above this config worked well until Plasma 6.2.0 and it does now except for images!

conky.config = {
-- Conky settings
	background = false,
	update_interval = 1,
	cpu_avg_samples = 2,
	net_avg_samples = 2,
	double_buffer = true,
	no_buffers = true,
	text_buffer_size = 2048,
	temperature_unit = 'celsius',

-- Window specifications
	own_window = true,
	own_window_class = 'Conky',
	own_window_type = 'normal',
	own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
	own_window_transparent = true,
	own_window_argb_visual = true,
--  own_window_argb_value = 0,
	border_inner_margin = 10,
	border_outer_margin = 0,
	minimum_width = 360, 
    minimum_height = 5,
	alignment = 'top_left',
	xinerama_head = 2,
	gap_x = 1150,
	gap_y = 280,
    out_to_wayland = true,
-- Graphics settings
	draw_shades = false,
	draw_outline = false,
	draw_borders = false,
	draw_graph_borders = true,
	border_width = 0,
	stippled_borders = 1,

-- Text settings
	use_xft = true,
	override_utf8_locale = true,
	font = 'monofur:size=14',
    font1 = 'monofur:size=20',
    font2 = 'monofur:size=13',
	xftalpha = 0.9,
	uppercase = false,
	max_text_width = 40,
	default_color = 'FFFFFF',
	default_shade_color = '000000',
	default_outline_color = '000000',
	color1 = '4ECBDC',
	color2 = '00ee00',
	color3 = 'ff0000'

Last edited by kinoe (2024-10-14 19:33:24)

“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”  Mark Twain


#9 2024-10-14 19:45:18

From: Dorchester, Dorset, UK
Registered: 2013-01-23
Posts: 117

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

What images are we talking about.??


#10 2024-10-14 19:52:22

Registered: 2016-09-27
Posts: 38

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

PNG and SVG which had been rendered well so far:

${image ~/Pictures/icons/ncpi2.png -p 1,29 -s 40x25}
${image ~/Pictures/icons/adg.svg -p 1,62 -s 90x50}

“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”  Mark Twain


#11 2024-10-14 19:53:56

From: Dorchester, Dorset, UK
Registered: 2013-01-23
Posts: 117

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

Will look tomorrow.


#12 2024-10-14 20:43:40

Registered: 2016-09-27
Posts: 38

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

Images NOT displayed (transparent background):

own_window_argb_visual = true,

Images ARE displayed (no transparent background):

own_window_argb_visual = false,

“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”  Mark Twain


#13 2024-10-14 21:12:45

From: Dorchester, Dorset, UK
Registered: 2013-01-23
Posts: 117

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

Same conclusion. No transparency when using images. More thought needed.


#14 2024-10-14 22:10:19

From: Geelong, Australia
Registered: 2010-05-23
Posts: 89

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

Not that it helps you guys with this specific problem, but it's my personal opinion that there's several regressions in 6.2, especially with kwin. Old issues I thought I had solved have reappeared.

Again, apologies for not really adding anything here but wanted to mention it.


#15 2024-10-16 09:03:42

From: Dorchester, Dorset, UK
Registered: 2013-01-23
Posts: 117

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

All working with new updates. Need to change draw_shades.outlines & borders etc to false.


#16 2024-10-16 09:12:39

Registered: 2016-09-27
Posts: 38

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

Here images still aren't displayed, despite of the recent update and although I changed draw_shades.outlines & borders etc to false

Last edited by kinoe (2024-10-16 09:15:38)

“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”  Mark Twain


#17 2024-10-16 09:24:47

From: Geelong, Australia
Registered: 2010-05-23
Posts: 89

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

If you use virtual desktops / workspaces, try changing to a single desktop and see if it helps.


#18 2024-10-16 09:36:30

From: Dorchester, Dorset, UK
Registered: 2013-01-23
Posts: 117

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

Try this:-

conky.config = {
-- Conky settings
	background = false,
	update_interval = 1,
	cpu_avg_samples = 2,
	net_avg_samples = 2,
	double_buffer = true,
	no_buffers = true,
	text_buffer_size = 2048,
	temperature_unit = 'celsius',

-- Window specifications
	own_window = true,
	own_window_class = 'Conky',
	own_window_type = 'normal',
	own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
	own_window_transparent = true,
	own_window_argb_visual = true,
	own_window_argb_value = 200,
	border_inner_margin = 10,
	border_outer_margin = 0,
	minimum_width = 340,
    minimum_height = 5,
	alignment = 'top_right',
---	xinerama_head = 2,
	gap_x = 100,
	gap_y = 100,

-- Graphics settings
---	draw_shades = true,
---	draw_outline = true,
---	draw_borders = true,
	draw_blended = false ,
	draw_graph_borders = true,
	border_width = 2,
	stippled_borders = 1,

-- Text settings
	use_xft = true,
	override_utf8_locale = true,
---	font = 'monofur:size=14',
--- font1 ='monofur:size=20',
    font = 'sans-serif:size=14:weight=bold' ,
    font1 = 'sans-serif:size=20:weight=bold',
	xftalpha = 0.9,
	uppercase = false,
	default_color ='FFFFFF',
	default_shade_color ='000000',
	default_outline_color ='000000',
	color1 ='4ECBDC'

---${image ~/Pictures/Teacher-Konqi.png -p 120,10 -s 100x100}


conky.text = [[

${image ~/Pictures/archlinux-logo.svg -n-p 155,5 -s 50x50}


#19 2024-10-16 11:02:35

Registered: 2016-09-27
Posts: 38

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

Tried it like so:

conky.config = {
-- Conky settings
	background = false,
	update_interval = 1,
	cpu_avg_samples = 2,
	net_avg_samples = 2,
	double_buffer = true,
	no_buffers = true,
	text_buffer_size = 2048,
	temperature_unit = 'celsius',

-- Window specifications
	own_window = true,
	own_window_class = 'Conky',
	own_window_type = 'normal',
	own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
	own_window_transparent = true,
	own_window_argb_visual = true,
	own_window_argb_value = 200,
	border_inner_margin = 10,
	border_outer_margin = 0,
	minimum_width = 340,
    minimum_height = 5,
	alignment = 'top_right',
---	xinerama_head = 2,
	gap_x = 100,
	gap_y = 100,

-- Graphics settings
---	draw_shades = true,
---	draw_outline = true,
---	draw_borders = true,
	draw_blended = false ,
	draw_graph_borders = true,
	border_width = 2,
	stippled_borders = 1,

-- Text settings
	use_xft = true,
	override_utf8_locale = true,
---	font = 'monofur:size=14',
--- font1 ='monofur:size=20',
    font = 'sans-serif:size=14:weight=bold' ,
    font1 = 'sans-serif:size=20:weight=bold',
	xftalpha = 0.9,
	uppercase = false,
	default_color ='FFFFFF',
	default_shade_color ='000000',
	default_outline_color ='000000',
	color1 ='4ECBDC'

---${image ~/Pictures/Teacher-Konqi.png -p 120,10 -s 100x100}


conky.text = [[
${image /home/kinoe/images/icons/ncpi2.png -p 1,29 -s 40x25}

and thats the terminal output:

conky -c /home/kinoe/.config/conky/lux-hud/xxx.conf
conky: desktop window (0x4f2) is root window
conky: window type - normal
conky: drawing to created window (0x1c00002)
conky: drawing to double buffer
conky: FOUND: console
conky: FOUND: ncurses
conky: FOUND: file
conky: FOUND: x11
conky: FOUND: wayland
conky: '(null)' wayland session running 'KDE' desktop

“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”  Mark Twain


#20 2024-10-16 11:08:44

Registered: 2016-09-27
Posts: 38

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues


${image /home/kinoe/images/icons/ncpi2.png -p 120,10 -s 100x100}

instead of:

${image /home/kinoe/images/icons/ncpi2.png -p 1,29 -s 40x25}

leads to:

conky: Unable to load image '/home/kinoe/images/icons/ncpi2.png'

“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”  Mark Twain


#21 2024-10-16 11:10:43

From: Dorchester, Dorset, UK
Registered: 2013-01-23
Posts: 117

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

I get the same output. The profile works on 2 systems so keep trying as it DOES work OK.


#22 2024-10-16 11:25:51

Registered: 2016-09-27
Posts: 38

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

I've got conky running on two Arch Linux machines: conky resp. conky-lua but same config, same results= no image even with only one activity (I don't use workspaces)

I will keep trying. Considering that the images showed up when the background is set to not transparent:

own_window_argb_visual = false,

the issue might be linked to transparency settings either in Conky or in Plasma??

Last edited by kinoe (2024-10-16 12:02:19)

“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”  Mark Twain


#23 2024-10-16 14:36:50

From: Dorchester, Dorset, UK
Registered: 2013-01-23
Posts: 117

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

I have persevered to find your problem.  On a third PC I couldn't get it to work. With an identical  configuration (copied) and with different data it worked. I then copied it to "your"  test file and it failed to show the graphic. Moving it to another location and it worked. Back to the /.config/conky dir and "it no worky". Deleted the file in the conky dir' and created a new one and it is working OK.
A puzzle it was.

conky.config = {
-- Conky settings
	alignment = 'top_right',
	background = false,
	update_interval = 1,
	cpu_avg_samples = 2,
	net_avg_samples = 2,
	double_buffer = true,
	no_buffers = true,
	text_buffer_size = 2048,
	temperature_unit = 'celsius',

-- Window specifications
	own_window = true,
	own_window_class = 'Conky',
	own_window_type = 'normal',
	own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
	own_window_transparent = true,
	own_window_argb_visual = true,
	own_window_argb_value = 200,
---	own_window_colour = '#000000',
	border_inner_margin = 10,
	border_outer_margin = 0,
	out_to_wayland = true,
	minimum_width = 340,
	minimum_height = 5,
--- y=in from left
	gap_x = 100,
--- y=in from top
	gap_y = 100,

-- Graphics settings
	draw_shades = false,
	draw_outline = false,
	draw_borders = false,
	draw_blended = false,
	draw_graph_borders = true,
	border_width = 2,
	stippled_borders = 1,

-- Text settings
	use_xft = true,
	xftalpha = 0.9,
	override_utf8_locale = true,
	font = 'sans-serif:size=14:weight=bold' ,
	font1 = 'sans-serif:size=20:weight=bold',
	uppercase = false,
	double_buffer = true,
	default_color ='FFFFFF',
	default_shade_color ='000000',
	default_outline_color ='000000',
	color1 ='4ECBDC'

Try a new file and a new location temporarily. Best of LUCK.
Started by conky -d -c ~/.config/conky/conkyrc4.conf & or where the new conky file is.

Last edited by NoSavvy (2024-10-16 14:39:25)


#24 2024-10-16 15:12:54

Registered: 2016-09-27
Posts: 38

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

Thank you very much for your kindly support and bothering!

“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”  Mark Twain


#25 2024-10-17 19:52:39

Registered: 2016-09-27
Posts: 38

Re: [Solved] KDE plasma 6.2 update causes Conky graphic issues

I don't know what exactly happened: the graphics (png and svg) suddenly reappeared although I didn't alter anything since yesterday! Maybe the update of plasma-workspace today?

“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”  Mark Twain


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