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#1 2024-10-19 09:39:13

Registered: 2020-02-13
Posts: 17

Displaylink not working due to evdi

Hello everyone,

I tried using DisplayLink (installed using yay) with the evdi package, however, this gave me the error:

FATAL: Module evdi not found in directory /lib/modules/6.10.10-arch1-1

When I installed evdi, it gave these errors:

(2/3) Install DKMS modules
==> ERROR: Missing etc kernel headers for module evdi/1.14.7.
... same for {prob,lib,srv,home,boot,var,sbin,tmp,root,dev,sys,mnt,lib64,usr,media,run,opt}
==> ERROR: Missing bin kernel headers for module evdi/1.14.7.

Then I tried using the evdi-git package. According to the comments on the evdi-git package, I should modify the PKGBUILD to include the following:

find 'module/tests' -type 'f' -exec install -Dpm644 '{}' -t "${_DKMS}/tests/" ';'

So I went to ~/.cache/yay/evdi-git`, modified the PKGBUILD and ran `makepkg -si`.

After which, I still got the "Module evdi not found in directory" error.

(Note: evdi-git is version 1.14.5, and evdi added support for 6.10 kernel in version 1.14.6. Meanwhile evdi is version 1.14.7, so it should work (for sure?))

Last edited by RobinSch (2024-10-19 09:40:42)


#2 2024-10-19 09:54:49

Registered: 2012-05-17
Posts: 5,279

Re: Displaylink not working due to evdi

You'll have to install the kernel headers for your kernel, so linux-headers for the package "linux". Then dkms shold be able to build the evdi module for your kernel automatically.

| alias CUTF='LANG=en_XX.UTF-8@POSIX ' |


#3 2024-10-26 09:38:46

Registered: 2020-02-13
Posts: 17

Re: Displaylink not working due to evdi

now I get the error:

(2/3) Install DKMS modules
==> ERROR: Missing 6.11.5-arch1-1 kernel modules tree for module evdi/1.14.7.

I then installed the "linux" package (kernel), which for some reason was not installed (idk how...). It's working now!

Last edited by RobinSch (2024-10-26 12:56:41)


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