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Is there any reason to install ttf-ms-win10 over ttf-ms-win11? Provided that the font files for both are available via the MS-provided Windows ISOs
Last edited by Hackerpcs (2024-11-17 00:35:48)
Those packages conflict, so you can't have both sets of fonts present.
There have been cases where older windows software didn't work well with fonts from newer windows versions.
What MS windows versions do the applications you want to use those fonts with expect ?
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
I don't run any Windows apps, I installed them just in case, maybe to avoid any wrong web rendering in Firefox
The ttf-liberation package supplies metrically identical typefaces that should follow hinting better under Linux than the proprietary Windows versions.
Microsoft tweak their glyphs constantly and the newer versions really don't work well under FreeType, apparently.
Para todos todo, para nosotros nada
I have ever only needed those fonts for running old Windows applications through Wine. Not worth the hassle unless required.
Some MS webservice implicitly rely on them (there was a thread w/ Office360 where the bulletmarks didn't properly render or so), but otherwise there're prettier fonts…