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#1 2024-11-22 04:57:33

Registered: 2024-11-22
Posts: 1

Error when opening a encrypted partition:reload ioctl on test (254:7)

Hello, it's a long story, but I will try my best to make it short.
I have a problem with my partition: Today when my computer turned on, I ran lsblk and there was no partition listed for /dev/sdc, even though I created an encrypted partition (/dev/sdc1) yesterday. I searched the internet and found the testdisk utility and I could successfully restore the /dev/sdc1, which was the encrypted partition I had created and to which I had transferred some files yesterday before turning off the computer.

I created this partition yesterday using a key-file, and I’m trying to open it using the same key-file. However, for some reason, I am getting this output:

sudo cryptsetup --key-file=/etc/cryptsetup-keys.d/2tbhd.key luksOpen /dev/sdc1 test
device-mapper: reload ioctl on test (254:7) failed: Invalid argument
The device size is not multiple of the requested sector size.

The output seems to be true, because of the yesterday partition (before I lose it) size's was 100% of the disk, where now its only using less than 50%.
I've ran smartctl -a /dev/sdc1 and it Passed without error.

What I should do now? I really would like to restore the files. I've tried to search for this problem online however I could not find nothing similar.


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