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#1 2024-12-19 16:53:36

Registered: 2023-04-11
Posts: 204

[SOLVED] Hyprland gaming windows question

I'm very new to hyprland so bear with me.  When I play ESO online when you run it first you have the launcher pop up, that's fine.  Then you hit play and the main game pops up, fullscreen.  At first when you get into the game you have this notification thing pop up where you can accept the days reward.  This is where the problem starts.  I have to use Super and the arrow keys to put the focus on that window so I can accept my reward and exit out of it.  After that the focus usually jumps to the launcher and I just kill that window and everything's fine.  I'm looking for a way to manage that with window rules but it feels like fairly complicated behavior I'm wanting rules for and I haven't the first clue how to go about it.  I know, I should probably just keep reading their wiki until I understand windows rules enough but was hoping somebody here has maybe had a similar situation and already solved it.

Edit:  Googling through I had an idea but I won't be able to try it until I get home.  I have a workspace where apps are floating and put all things steam into that.  I'm going to assume if it's all floating you don't have that whole focus thing going on like you do when it tiles.

Last edited by tdtooke (2024-12-20 18:05:33)


#2 2024-12-19 18:12:03

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 23,963

Re: [SOLVED] Hyprland gaming windows question

Your last assertion is likely correct for this usecase, this is a common pitfal with modal dialogs in tiling WM contexts.


#3 2024-12-20 02:54:05

Registered: 2023-04-11
Posts: 204

Re: [SOLVED] Hyprland gaming windows question

That actually did the trick.  When you float the game acts normally with no weird losing focus issues.  Good thing because against all odds I'm taking a liking to tiling.  Very convenient when you are messing with settings and want a browser, a terminal and a file manager all open at once while you fiddle around with things.  You can do that floating but you have to take time to arrange it, it just happens naturally with tiling and a few key hits will arrange it the way you like.  I think I finally 'get it' about WMs.


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