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#1 2025-01-13 23:59:47

From: Toronto, Canada
Registered: 2024-01-02
Posts: 15

No second attempt when entering wrong password for LUKS volume

When I enter a wrong password when the boot stage asks for a password, it errors and then hangs indefinitely, requiring me to press Ctrl-alt-delete. I am using systemd-boot with a UKI generated by mkinitcpio, with a LUKS encrypted partition on a Framework 13 (Ryzen 7640u).

This is what the boot messages show after I enter the wrong password
boot message


# vim:set ft=sh
# The following modules are loaded before any boot hooks are
# run.  Advanced users may wish to specify all system modules
# in this array.  For instance:
#     MODULES=(usbhid xhci_hcd)

# This setting includes any additional binaries a given user may
# wish into the CPIO image.  This is run last, so it may be used to
# override the actual binaries included by a given hook
# BINARIES are dependency parsed, so you may safely ignore libraries

# This setting is similar to BINARIES above, however, files are added
# as-is and are not parsed in any way.  This is useful for config files.

# This is the most important setting in this file.  The HOOKS control the
# modules and scripts added to the image, and what happens at boot time.
# Order is important, and it is recommended that you do not change the
# order in which HOOKS are added.  Run 'mkinitcpio -H <hook name>' for
# help on a given hook.
# 'base' is _required_ unless you know precisely what you are doing.
# 'udev' is _required_ in order to automatically load modules
# 'filesystems' is _required_ unless you specify your fs modules in MODULES
# Examples:
##   This setup specifies all modules in the MODULES setting above.
##   No RAID, lvm2, or encrypted root is needed.
#    HOOKS=(base)
##   This setup will autodetect all modules for your system and should
##   work as a sane default
#    HOOKS=(base udev autodetect modconf block filesystems fsck)
##   This setup will generate a 'full' image which supports most systems.
##   No autodetection is done.
#    HOOKS=(base udev modconf block filesystems fsck)
##   This setup assembles a mdadm array with an encrypted root file system.
##   Note: See 'mkinitcpio -H mdadm_udev' for more information on RAID devices.
#    HOOKS=(base udev modconf keyboard keymap consolefont block mdadm_udev encrypt filesystems fsck)
##   This setup loads an lvm2 volume group.
#    HOOKS=(base udev modconf block lvm2 filesystems fsck)
##   This will create a systemd based initramfs which loads an encrypted root filesystem.
#    HOOKS=(base systemd autodetect modconf kms keyboard sd-vconsole sd-encrypt block filesystems fsck)
##   NOTE: If you have /usr on a separate partition, you MUST include the
#    usr and fsck hooks.
HOOKS=(systemd autodetect microcode modconf kms keyboard sd-vconsole block plymouth sd-encrypt filesystems)

# Use this to compress the initramfs image. By default, zstd compression
# is used for Linux ≥ 5.9 and gzip compression is used for Linux < 5.9.
# Use 'cat' to create an uncompressed image.

# Additional options for the compressor

# Decompress loadable kernel modules and their firmware during initramfs
# creation. Switch (yes/no).
# Enable to allow further decreasing image size when using high compression
# (e.g. xz -9e or zstd --long --ultra -22) at the expense of increased RAM usage
# at early boot.
# Note that any compressed files will be placed in the uncompressed early CPIO
# to avoid double compression.

Kernel command-line:

root=UUID=c32c456f-e19b-4525-a5b2-101f1d42e9bd rootflags=subvol=root rw quiet splash
kernel.nmi_watchdog=0 nowatchdog
pcie_aspm.policy=powersupersave usbcore.autosuspend=1

Last edited by expoodo (2025-01-14 00:01:10)


#2 2025-01-14 00:56:08

Registered: 2025-01-07
Posts: 171

Re: No second attempt when entering wrong password for LUKS volume

What research have done so far regarding this issue?


#3 2025-01-14 01:04:30

From: Toronto, Canada
Registered: 2024-01-02
Posts: 15

Re: No second attempt when entering wrong password for LUKS volume

mackin_cheese wrote:

What research have done so far regarding this issue?

I've tried googling if there were any posts similar to my problem, but the only post I could find was this, but it was based around grub.

Last edited by expoodo (2025-01-14 01:05:17)


#4 2025-01-14 11:20:01

From: Kharkiv, Ukraine
Registered: 2009-11-03
Posts: 315

Re: No second attempt when entering wrong password for LUKS volume

expoodo wrote:

I am using systemd-boot

Are you sure sd-encrypt ever implements retries on wrong password?


#5 2025-01-14 12:26:42

The Evil Wiki Admin
Registered: 2016-07-02
Posts: 668

Re: No second attempt when entering wrong password for LUKS volume

sd-encrypt tries three times by default. See the description of tries= in crypttab(5).

Testing it in a VM I have, the first wrong password strangely seems to use up two tries.

You're using plymouth, so this could be an issue specific to plymouth.

Last edited by nl6720 (2025-01-14 12:33:37)


#6 2025-01-14 18:15:52

From: Kharkiv, Ukraine
Registered: 2009-11-03
Posts: 315

Re: No second attempt when entering wrong password for LUKS volume

nl6720 wrote:

sd-encrypt tries three times by default. See the description of tries= in crypttab(5).

"tries=" from /etc/crypttab takes effect when systemd-cryptsetup asks for password by itself, not with plymouth. Also it seems like systemd-cryptsetup counts any method to get a key as a try.

It would be helpfull to enable debug log level and see boot logs.


#7 2025-01-15 00:37:58

From: Toronto, Canada
Registered: 2024-01-02
Posts: 15

Re: No second attempt when entering wrong password for LUKS volume

nl6720 wrote:

You're using plymouth, so this could be an issue specific to plymouth.

I removed the plymouth hook, but that made no difference.

dimich wrote:

It would be helpful to enable debug log level and see boot logs.

I tried using `debug` and `systemd.log-level=debug`  cmdline options, but they outputted nothing when I entered the wrong password. I can't see the previous boot logs because the disk is still encrypted in the first place. Do you know of any other way of making systemd boot logs more verbose?

EDIT: I wonder if this is actually intended behaviour for the sd-encrypt hook? My fedora setup automatically asks for the password again if previous was wrong, so I just expected it here.

Last edited by expoodo (2025-01-15 00:50:11)


#8 2025-01-15 21:52:26

From: Kharkiv, Ukraine
Registered: 2009-11-03
Posts: 315

Re: No second attempt when entering wrong password for LUKS volume

expoodo wrote:

Do you know of any other way of making systemd boot logs more verbose?

Sorry, I don't use systemd-boot so can't give a specific advice.
I'd try to add


to [Service] section of corresponding service units, and re-generate initramfs. However, I'm not sure journal from initramfs is preserved after transition to normal rootfs. Can you see messages from other services run in initramfs?


#9 2025-01-16 04:26:04

From: Toronto, Canada
Registered: 2024-01-02
Posts: 15

Re: No second attempt when entering wrong password for LUKS volume

dimich wrote:

to [Service] section of corresponding service units, and re-generate initramfs. However, I'm not sure journal from initramfs is preserved after transition to normal rootfs. Can you see messages from other services run in initramfs?

I could not find the supposed systemd-cryptset service in my system, so I guess it's an autogenerated service? If you mean if I can see initramfs boot messages in the journal on a success boot, I can see them, but I couldn't find anything useful


#10 2025-01-17 02:51:53

From: Kharkiv, Ukraine
Registered: 2009-11-03
Posts: 315

Re: No second attempt when entering wrong password for LUKS volume

expoodo wrote:

I could not find the supposed systemd-cryptset service in my system, so I guess it's an autogenerated service?

Yes, it is generated by systemd-cryptsetup-generator at runtime. And it doesn't seem to be possible to break systemd-based initramfs with break kernel parameter. If you find a way to get into shell before cryptsetup, you can edit service unit (it should be somewhere in /run/systemd/), edit it, run `systemctl daemon-reload` and continue boot process.


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