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I've been hacking together a Bittorrent client for GTK for a while now and it's getting fairly usefull (well sort of anyway, still alpha quality software).
So I thought it's about time I have some people try out to get some comment/suggestion/bug reports so I can inprove it further.
For the interested here is two PKGBUILDS (not sure if the dependencies are correct though).
If you try it out please do comment either directly to my mail or report bugs/request here
Also if you're a C++ devoloper looking to help out do drop me a line
#Contributor: Christian Lundgren <>
pkgdesc="A GTK BitTorrent client"
#optional depends are geoip
depends=(gtkmm rb_libtorrent libnotify curl dbus-glib)
build() {
cd $startdir/src/
svn checkout linkage
cd linkage
./ && ./configure --prefix=/usr
make || return 1
make PREFIX=$startdir/pkg/usr DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
#Contributor: Christian Lundgren <>
pkgdesc="A BitTorrent library"
build() {
cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
./configure --prefix=/usr
make || return 1
make PREFIX=$startdir/pkg/usr DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
Last edited by lunke (2007-02-24 16:45:07)
Needs screenshots:
Definitely looks interesting. I'm currently using transmission, but IIRC it's a dead app.
/me builds
Looks nice, what kind of memory usage do you see with this client, knowing that optimization probably hasn't taken place yet? I will check it out later when I get some time though, and report any bugs I come across. I currently using deluge but I'm still in the market for a better lighter weight client for linux. Thanks for the contribution.
libnotify yay! had to add libnotify support to transmission by myself to get a decent torrent client
phrak, transmission isn't dead at all. Try SVN version. For arch64 it's in my repo
IRC: Stalwart @ FreeNode
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WeeChat-devel nightly packages for i686
Needs screenshots:
Yea those screenshots are quite old, the UI has changed quite a lot. I'll post new ones sooner or later..
FYI: libtorrent is in AUR as rb_libtorrent
kool, it looks great so far...
i just wish it loaded torrents as cl args so i could open it directly form fx... and/or drag-drop either is good
The.Revolution.Is.Coming - - To fight, To hunger, To Resist!
Looks pretty cool, i've got two problems so far though:
1. linkage crashes with a segmentation fault when I click the close button on the preferences menu. All the terminal says when it crashes is "segmentation fault" so I can't really give you any more info on it.
2. the whole program closes when you hit the x in the corner even though it has a tray icon. Any chance of fixing it up so it just "minimizes" to the tray instead of closing?
Overall it's looking pretty cool though, keep up the good work!
Edit: I just noticed that if you click the try icon it'll do exactly what i was asking for in 2. Nice!
Last edited by barebones (2007-02-25 04:18:43)
1. linkage crashes with a segmentation fault when I click the close button on the preferences menu. All the terminal says when it crashes is "segmentation fault" so I can't really give you any more info on it.
Does it always segfault or did you change something specific? If you could get a back trace from the segfault that would be great. just run
$ gdb linkage
>> run
// make it crash
>> bt
// Lot's of text... copy and paste this part
And preferably post a new entry here
Looks nice, what kind of memory usage do you see with this client, knowing that optimization probably hasn't taken place yet?
Haven't looked into it that much, yet. But I guess it's somewhere between 10-50+Mb depending on how many torrents you have running.
kool, it looks great so far...
i just wish it loaded torrents as cl args so i could open it directly form fx... and/or drag-drop either is good
Command line args are on the todo running linkage MyTorrent.torrent works if, and only if, you already have a running instance. And the DnD support is so-so, I haven't tested it much and I pretty sure it's broken right now.
UPDATE: Issues regarding the segfault when closing settings windows are fixed, so is command line opening of torrents. Also drag and drop of torrents and http links should be working as well. Enjoy
Last edited by lunke (2007-02-25 17:09:40)
ah cool
i don't mind opening it before hand as i do with azeurus ...
it's usable so i think i will use it in my every-day bt needs,
The.Revolution.Is.Coming - - To fight, To hunger, To Resist!
I take it you don't need that debugger info any more then?
found new bug, submitted to ur bug tracker thingy....
The.Revolution.Is.Coming - - To fight, To hunger, To Resist!
I take it you don't need that debugger info any more then?
Nope, I managed to reproduce it. Thanks for pointing it out thought.
found new bug, submitted to ur bug tracker thingy....
Ok thanks, I'll check it out.
I've made an svn PKGBUILD for this (so I can versionpkg it) would you like me to add it to the aur?
#Contributor: Christian Lundgren <>
pkgdesc="A GTK BitTorrent client"
#optional depends are geoip
depends=(gtkmm rb_libtorrent libnotify curl dbus-glib)
build() {
cd $startdir/src/
svn co $_svntrunk --config-dir ./ -r $pkgver $_svnmod
msg "SVN checkout done or server timeout"
msg "Starting make..."
cp -r $_svnmod $_svnmod-build
cd $_svnmod-build
./ && ./configure --prefix=/usr
make || return 1
make PREFIX=$startdir/pkg/usr DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
I don't mean to be a pain in the ass (I know actually implementing this "feature" would be), but have you considered splitting the client up and going by a damon/client design like BTG? Hmm... actually this client is very similar to BTG (C++, GTKMM), so I guess that would be pointless. BTG lacks many features though You could help them though
Well, consider it maybe, it would be a pain to actually implement, I know, but a daemon/client design would be great for an application like this, and so far I have only found one bittorrent client which does so.
I wish you all the best on this project There is still a "uTorrent" space to fill on Linux
I've made an svn PKGBUILD for this (so I can versionpkg it) would you like me to add it to the aur?
Sure, be my guest. You will probably wanna bump the pkgver before you do it though.
I don't mean to be a pain in the ass (I know actually implementing this "feature" would be), but have you considered splitting the client up and going by a damon/client design like BTG? Hmm... actually this client is very similar to BTG (C++, GTKMM), so I guess that would be pointless. BTG lacks many features though
You could help them though
Well, consider it maybe, it would be a pain to actually implement, I know, but a daemon/client design would be great for an application like this, and so far I have only found one bittorrent client which does so.I wish you all the best on this project
There is still a "uTorrent" space to fill on Linux
Yup that would be a pain, and personally I wouldn't find it usefull for me so I don't think it's going to be done for this client. But BTG is looking quite promising, and in the world of FLOSS multiple choices is a good thing
What would the benefits be with having a daemon/frontend layout?
What would the benefits be with having a daemon/frontend layout?
You could easily run it at boot, torrents would still be downloading/uploading even if you restart/close X.
looks like an azureus written in C++. not surprised someone actually did this. many ppl had that idea (me included) but u actually made it through. gonna try to use it and file bug reports and feature requests & generally help as much as i can.
There shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi -- mg (1)
[You learn that sarcasm does not often work well in international forums. That is why we avoid it. -- ewaller (arch linux forum moderator)
Well I tried building linkage today, both the linkage PKGBUILD and the linkage-svn PKGBUILD, and I get this error on both and build fails.
./configure: line 4505: syntax error near unexpected token `GTKMM,'
./configure: line 4505: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GTKMM, gtkmm-2.4 >= 2.10)'
make *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
==> ERROR: Build Failded. Aborting...
I have the lastest version of gtkmm installed. Can someone help me out here. Thanks.
Last edited by daedalusman (2007-02-26 02:55:57)
barebones wrote:I've made an svn PKGBUILD for this (so I can versionpkg it) would you like me to add it to the aur?
Sure, be my guest. You will probably wanna bump the pkgver before you do it though.
The whole point of versionpkg is that pkgver doesn't matter.
I am a gated community.
The whole point of versionpkg is that pkgver doesn't matter.
Ah I see, nice
daedalusman: Do you pkgconfig installed? I hate autotools.. also make sure you have libtool/autotools installed.
You can always try building with:
GTKMM_CFLAG=`pkg-config --cflags gtkmm-2.4` GTKMM_LIBS=`pkg-config --libs gtkmm-2.4` make
Last edited by lunke (2007-02-26 07:46:05)
daedalusman: Do you pkgconfig installed? I hate autotools.. also make sure you have libtool/autotools installed.
You can always try building with:
GTKMM_CFLAG=`pkg-config --cflags gtkmm-2.4` GTKMM_LIBS=`pkg-config --libs gtkmm-2.4` make
I did not have pkgconfig installed, maybe it should be a makedepend? Once I installed it everything went just great. Thanks for the help and I will let you know of any bugs I encounter.
Pkgconfig is required for a lot of packages to build... But it should be added probably, yes . It's a pretty essential package anyway, surprises me a bit you don't have it around.
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I added linkage to the aur today, for anyone that's interested, it can be found here