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#1 2025-01-27 19:16:52

Registered: 2024-11-21
Posts: 2

Kernel Compilation (multi-threaded) took too long. Is this normal?

I installed the linux-cachyos kernel from the AUR using yay.

It compiled from source. I just want to know if the time it took to finish is normal. I read on the Arch Wiki that kernel compilation takes somewhere between 15 minutes to over an hour. Mine took 2:30 hours.

I think 2:30 hours is too much. It is compiled on an SSD (/home) and with an i5-8250U. All the 8 threads were in full usage during the compilation (screenshot below). I set the processor frequency to performance mode using linux-tools beforehand.

Is there any way I can optimize this?

btop screenshot


#2 2025-01-27 19:22:13

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 23,923

Re: Kernel Compilation (multi-threaded) took too long. Is this normal?

U processors are generally lower powered that will thermal throttle when at full load, so yes likely normal.

Moving to AUR issues...


#3 2025-01-28 00:38:35

Registered: 2024-02-03
Posts: 1,228

Re: Kernel Compilation (multi-threaded) took too long. Is this normal? … tions.html

base-clock: 1.6ghz
tdp: 15w - up to 25w
release: q3/17
target segment: mobile

I mean - what do you expect from an 7 1/2 year old low-end mobile cpu?
I run an amd 5600 - that's a 65w 6-core chip with 3.5ghz - and even utilizing that to its full power take quite some time to compile a kernel
fun fact - I did a run - according to htop with full-time all-core boost to 4.4ghz - and an avg load of over 1.300% (which I guess is somewhat wrong as towards the end the single core steps boosted up even higher to 5.5ghz)
took my system roughly an hour
so - yea, given my system is several times more powerful and even me taking nearly an hour makes sense your mobile system takes more than double that


#4 2025-01-28 02:54:22

From: Kharkiv, Ukraine
Registered: 2009-11-03
Posts: 315

Re: Kernel Compilation (multi-threaded) took too long. Is this normal?

abdorithm wrote:

I read on the Arch Wiki that kernel compilation takes somewhere between 15 minutes to over an hour. Mine took 2:30 hours.

It's ok. Obviously it depends on hardware and how the kernel is configured. Most of the time is taken by modules compilation. In Arch many modules are enabled, and it is good.
If you disable unneeded modules, compilation will took less time. 

Indeed, subjectively nowadays kernel compilation takes more time than decades ago. First, the kernel grows. Second, compilers became smarter in optimization at the cost of compilation time.

abdorithm wrote:

Is there any way I can optimize this?

Second run will be faster as it don't need to rebuild unchanged parts.


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