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#1 2025-02-05 06:35:28

Registered: 2025-02-05
Posts: 1

Netboot Using ipxe.lkrn Does Not Work the Way It Is Explained on Wiki

I'm struggling with Arch netboot that is described on this page: under 1.1 (Boot version) pixe.lkrn

I followed the instructions which btw are incorrect and are missing a step and I managed to build myself a USB.  That USB does boot me to a mirror site of Arch Linux when
I test it using qemu-system-x86_64 call.  But the second I run this over bare metal it does not work, and I can't figure out why.  When I run it under bare metal It says:

Pixe.lkrn loaded... ok
iPXE loaded...ok

Then it shows me a message with iPXE version and options listed, and then it says:

Reboot or Selected a bootable drive.


#2 2025-02-05 06:52:41

Registered: 2024-02-03
Posts: 1,337

Re: Netboot Using ipxe.lkrn Does Not Work the Way It Is Explained on Wiki

as by the very reddit-like 4-noun username (really? are people not able to come up with thier own nicks these days) and the way the wiki was aaid to be incomplete and wrong when it clearly isn't - my 2ct are on user error here

how about we start with how you build your boot medium?
or maybe the hardware spec as a system require legacy boot is older as win7 which can bring all sorts of issues on its own although its time-correct to syslinux


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