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#1 2025-03-05 15:32:36

Registered: 2021-05-23
Posts: 32

[solved] DWM Query - colored text on slstatus bar

Anyone please help. DWM on Arch with slstatus and dmenu. I've applied only one patch the status2d patch which I understood would help me insert icons and coloured text into the slstatus bar. I re-compiled dwm all good.

So I entered some code into the slstatus config.def.h which I thought was correct (not!) as per the following extract shown below. When I re-compiled the slstatus config.def.h file no errors were show, everything was as normal. Re-booted and the slstatus bar disappeared and keyboard was unresponsive.

As an inexperienced dwm user, could someone please give me an idea of what I've done wrong? 

* uid                 UID of current user             NULL
* uptime              system uptime                   NULL
* username            username of current user        NULL
* vol_perc            OSS/ALSA volume in percent      mixer file (/dev/mixer)
*                                                     NULL on OpenBSD/FreeBSD
* wifi_essid          WiFi ESSID                      interface name (wlan0)
* wifi_perc           WiFi signal in percent          interface name (wlan0)
static const struct arg args[] = {
/* function format          argument */
{cpu_perc, "^c#ffffoo^ CPU: %s%% ", NULL },
{ram_perc, "^c#ff2c2c^ RAM: %s%% ", NULL },
{disk_perc, "^c#ooffff^ DISK: %s%% ", "//" },
{ datetime,  "^c#ffffff^ %s", "%A %d %B %Y %R:%S %Z" },

Last edited by dave1953 (2025-03-06 20:05:27)


#2 2025-03-06 20:07:18

Registered: 2021-05-23
Posts: 32

Re: [solved] DWM Query - colored text on slstatus bar

Noob error - o's are incorrect -should have been zero's c#ffffoo is wrong; should be c#ffff00


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