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#1 2007-03-25 15:59:38

From: Munich, Germany
Registered: 2006-02-20
Posts: 150

Weird zshrc alias problem SOLVED: just user stupidity

I'm trying to add the following alias to my zshrc:

alias bigmc = 'urxvtc -fn "xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=37" -e mc'

But with every variation I have tried, zsh complained. I have no idea what the problem is. I've tried escaping everything from the colons to the =, I've tried double quotes on the outside and on the inside, and I can't get it to work. Either I need to escape a character I haven't thought of, or I have missed some combination, or zshrc uses a different escape char than backslash (I doubt that). Any ideas?

EDIT: I'll be in my room, hitting myself. I just noticed zsh really doesn't like spaces around the =. Fuck me, sometimes I wonder how I manage to feed myself.

Last edited by kamagurka (2007-03-25 16:03:50)

I always roll 20s on my disbelieve checks.
You better believe it.


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