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I've tried out slackware, ubuntu, gentoo etc. I didn't like them comparing to Arch. But i get them running and working.
My problem is:
I've installing everything and everything is cool. Installs xorg. After xorg installation is done i try to startx (Used nvidia-config for xorg.conf) The xserver starts but isnt working. It gives me strange colors on the screen, like fading in different colors. This is were everything fucks up and i have to reboot the computer.
I really wanna drive arch, it's the best distro i've tried!
Some computer specs:
Fujitsu-Siemens M3438G
Chipset: Mobile intel 915PM Express
Nvidia Geforce 6800 GO
Sound: AC 97
Serial ATA-150 60 GB
1024 mb of ram, DDR II SDRAM 400 mhz
its nvidia-xconfig and NOT "nvidia-config" maybe that is the problem?. are you sure you installed nvidia driver?.
try pacman -S hwd
create a xonf.conf think its hwd -x try that out post any errors from xserver
Mr Green I like Landuke!
try pacman -S hwd
create a xonf.conf think its hwd -x try that out post any errors from xserver
you can do hwd -xa. that will over write the current xorg.conf. otherwise you will have to move it.
Probably it's not the best way but... what about copying ubuntu's xorg.conf?
My blog:
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its nvidia-xconfig and NOT "nvidia-config" maybe that is the problem?. are you sure you installed nvidia driver?.
THe driver is installed and modprobed. Ok, sry nvidia-xconfig.
I've also tried to copy the xorg.conf from ubuntu and it's the same with the colors. I'll post my xorg.conf later.