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Pages: 1
after migrating my homeserver from debian linux to arch, I want to migrate my desktop computer from windows xp to arch.
With the application "partition magic" I reduced the size of my windows partition (complete HDD 250 GB / Windows partition now 100 GB) and shifted the partition to the end of the harddrive.
Now, I want to install arch linux:
First partition 256 MB SWAP
Second partition 128 MB /boot
Third partition 100 GB /
I had the problem, that the windows partition is recognized as sda1 and when I create the swap partition at the beginning of de HDD it get's the name sda2. But I want the order
SWAP sda1
/boot sda2
/ sda3
Windows sda4
Is there any solution to change the name of the windows partition from sda1 to sda4?
Thanks for help!
As far as I know there is no way, but most importantly; the order is irrelevant for your purposes.
Pages: 1