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Okey so just recently thunar started to pop up on boot and it's really annoying...
How can I make it go away?
Last edited by Izuil (2007-05-26 12:13:10)
Close all the thunar windows, and then log out with the "save session" box checked. If that doesn't work, you'll have to delete it from the list of things that xfce starts manually. I can't remember the name of this file, hopefully somebody else will post it.
I've tried the first thing you said and that didn't work
Let's hope somebody knows what file you mean
EDIT: I tried removing the whole .config folder but that did not help either....
Last edited by Izuil (2007-05-14 11:30:27)
The file I'm talking about is in .cache somewhere. (That's the other directory XFCE stores things in.)
Thanks a lot Found it right away in: .cache/sessions/ and then a file called Thunar-(shit load of random numbers).
Love ya ;P