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the abs pkgbuild for xine-ui shows the --enable-lirc flag being set but still I had to recompile that package to get lirc with xine working? Anyone else experiencing that problem too? If I'm not the only one I would post it on flyspray (well or anyone else I guess).
Hmm, I have no way to test the lirc support, but assumed it worked after enabling it. Did you have to do anything else besides just rebuild it?
No, I rebuilt the package with exactly the same PKGBUILD from ABS. I didn't change anything, just rebuilt it.
So it seems that lirc must be present on the system when configure/make is run.
(Sry for the delay, busy weekend :> But thank you a lot for this quick and friendly response of yours, phrak)
edit: corrected typo
Last edited by hybrid (2007-05-20 23:25:23)
Hmm, I added it as a makedepend, which means that makepkg wouldn't work unless it was on my system... so there must be some other difference. It appeared to detect properly in configure. Hrrrm