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jack audio connection kit in /incoming, to use jackstart (to get non-root RealTime capabilities) you need to patch your kernel, but jackd works w/o a kernel patch i also put a jackd rc script in there
this requires libcap which is also in /incoming, you can build without libcap though if you want by removing the --enable-capabilities
dp already has this in his TUR. I'm sure, if you asked him nicely, he'd move it to staging and upgrade it.
What does --enable-capabilities do for jack?
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
ahh, didn't realize that it's in a TUR, i'll see if i can find dp on IRC, otherwise if he reads it here "would you mind moving it to staging?"
--enable-capabiliies builds jackstart which is a suid program that will run jackd as non-root, but hand it the ability to run in realtime mode. This only works though w/ the kernel change they describe on the faq at, basically you have to change one line in a header and rebulid.
This is good because w/o it, you will either have to run all your audio apps that use it as root, or it will have lots of latency
ahh, didn't realize that it's in a TUR, i'll see if i can find dp on IRC, otherwise if he reads it here "would you mind moving it to staging?"
i'll move it to staging asap
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
awesome, keep those audio/video packages flooding in.
Jack v0.98.1 is out, could this be updated please.