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:: Retrieving packages from tardo...
error: failed retrieving file 'qt-copy-svn-671479-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz' from : Not Found
warning: failed to retrieve some files from tardo
error: failed to commit transaction (unexpected error)
Use the Source, Luke!
if you really need it then i got it in my mirror ... ;;
Beta1 was already tagged so you don't have to wait for the official announcement. See here:
Is there any archlinux compiled packages on tardo server for the new kde 4.0 beta 1 ?
Last edited by damunix (2007-08-02 15:34:30)
Hey beta1 has been out like many hours now...
how long can it take to download and compile it???
Been waiting for ages already!
Joking ofcourse Hope your putting it in your repo though
Im waiting myself, but don't know If I can wait any longer Thinking of doing it myself from the source
Still no update? I would love to get my fingers on the new beta.
There is some packages on the repository
I started compiling my own (currently stigi, kdelibs, kdepimlibs done, kdebase compiling) as I want to check it out (and got some free time ). I'm sorry I guess I can't upload it somewhere (it's a bit too big for googlepages I guess) so if someone has an idea how I can share it with you guys I'm happy to listen...
you could try
Make an account that way you can keep track of the files....They allow up to 300MB per file.
you could try
Make an account that way you can keep track of the files....They allow up to 300MB per file.
Okay I will try that when I've compiled everything, I'm at 3/4 atm
Dont look too much forward on it, the beta feels like the previous alpha for an enduser... Much has changed under the hood (libs are frozen now) but the apps need to catch up, so its the same experience...
I have a build from 2 days ago installed and its still unusable, but you can see a little bit more if you also build the new oxygen style and plasma playground
want a modular and tweaked KDE for arch? try kdemod
I have the feeling that it is a bit more stable than the last alpha. Anyway, you can get the packages here.
I have no idea how much traffic this sendspace thing can handle (or if there are limits so...)
Mind you:
- I had to force kdebase4 due to a couple of conflicting icons (didn't feel to recompile for such a non issue, and maybe it was conflicting with the last alpha, did not check it. So if it conflict just use the -f flag)
- kdeedu4 is missing, compiling issues and I thought it is not that important for a beta
- amarok2-svn is missing as currently svn is broken due to the additiion of plasma to amarok
- Some extra plasma applets from playground are added
- Oxygen style from playground is added
- All packages are part of the kde4 group (if I did not miss any ). Create a local repo or install all packages with pacman -U *pkg.tar.gz (or -Uf if the icons conflict)
- If someone wants to set up a repo to share with other users, feel free
- Enjoy the beta
Last edited by pressh (2007-08-08 19:41:43)
bump for update.
key changes:
- now uses stable versions of strigi and decibel. Make sure you don't use the -svn version of these.
- install with pacman -Sf, I didn't feel like removing conflicting icons.
- duplicate menu entries has magically been solved (i didn't do it)
I'll be adding some playground stuff shortly, as well as x64 versions.
This maybe still early to notice this.. But I have read that kde4 should have a 30% speed improvement because of qt4. Is this something you guys can notice?
The ultimate Archlinux release name: "I am your father"
This maybe still early to notice this.. But I have read that kde4 should have a 30% speed improvement because of qt4. Is this something you guys can notice?
qt4 has a 30% speed increase wrt qt3, but this does not mean that kde4 has a 30% speed increase wrt kde3. A lot of new things will be/are added to kde4 and some things are removed wrt kde3, these all have influence on the speed. Also, kde3 is stable for quite some time now and most bugs are fixed. Kde4 on the other hand is still in alpha and has lots and lots and lots of bugs and there is little to no optimization as of yet.
In the end at the time of kde4.1 or 4.2 it may or may not be faster compared to kde3 now, only time can tell. At the moment there are not a lot of visible speed improvements. Don't suspect that your machine will fly the day kde4.0 is released , I assume it to be on par at best in terms of speed.
Last edited by pressh (2007-08-14 21:08:53)
It seems that okular is not compiled with pdf support. Here I found that it needs libpoppler to compile:
Can you try this, please?
Actually, that was intentional. It doesn't need libpoppler, but libpoppler-qt4. The problem is the current stable version of poppler-qt4 API doesn't match with the version kde4 needs (need to pull the changes from cvs to fix this). I didn't want to build all of poppler from cvs hence I compiled without pdf support.
There is something wrong with soprano-svn. Pacman tells me MD5 or SHA1 sum is incorrect.
works fine for me. i686 or x86_64? show me some output.
$ wget
$ md5sum soprano-svn-674845-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz
0c5e65ae3d8cf07339430a75792444dc soprano-svn-674845-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz
$ wget
$ tar -xzf tardo.db.tar.gz soprano-svn-674845-1/desc
$ grep -A 1 MD5 < soprano-svn-674845-1/desc
0c5e65ae3d8cf07339430a75792444dc != 23dcd47dc9540585eca11f3444235c46
edit: kdegraphics has been rebuilt with poppler-qt4 as well.
Last edited by tardo (2007-08-28 19:39:54)
sudo pacman -S kdelibs4-svn -> :: kdelibs4-svn: requires qt-copy
sudo pacman -S kdelibs4 -> :: redland: requires rasqal
Where can I find rasqal ?
pacman roulette : pacman -S $(pacman -Slq | LANG=C sort -R | head -n $((RANDOM % 10)))
Offline … pkg.tar.gz
Otherwise it's in AUR. Odd, I thought this was in extra or community. Guess I'd better rebuild the repo. And please don't use -svn. It's horribly outdated.
pacman -Sy kde4
Last edited by tardo (2007-08-29 19:39:17)
Offline … pkg.tar.gz
Otherwise it's in AUR. Odd, I thought this was in extra or community. Guess I'd better rebuild the repo. And please don't use -svn. It's horribly outdated.
pacman -Sy kde4
Doesn't work, as rasqal has broken deps:
[mots@nonsense ~]$ sudo pacman -U rasqal-0.9.14-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
Lade Paketdaten ... Fertig.
Prüfe Abhängigkeiten...
Fehler: Konnte Vorgang nicht vorbereiten (Kann Abhängigkeiten nicht erfüllen)
:: rasqal: Benötigt raptor