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due to a problem with my hard disk (4 partitions and over 100Gig free space -> repartitioning needed to be able to use it) I wanted to get grub loaded from another partition, being the one arch resides on. So I used grub-install and I went through hell... Error 15, error 17, ... I used knoppix to restore everything and now I'm able to boot again.
But I kind of lost my confidence in my grub knowledge and wanted to know what the best way is to install grub. I've tried grub-install and the regular grub prompt root and setup approach but it just didn't work... It may have to do with the funky device names from the new pata driver...
Does those names influence the interpretation of or the "root=" flag in the kernel line?
Ok i have mi GNU/Linux installed in /dev/hda1 so i do:
1- boot with a liveCD
2- in a console i run :
mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/
mount -o bind /dev/ /mnt/dev/
mount -o bind /proc/ /mnt/proc/
then i do a chroot
chroot /mnt/ /bin/bash
then i run grub-install
grub-install --recheck /dev/hda
if you have a error:
in some case you must erase the info in you /etc/mtab or replace with the info of the "liveCD /etc/mtab" i don't remember but you can try .
Last edited by insulae (2007-06-10 23:39:17)
Ok i have mi GNU/Linux installed in /dev/hda1 so i do:
1- boot with a liveCD
2- in a console i run :mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/ mount -o bind /dev/ /mnt/dev/ mount -o bind /proc/ /mnt/proc/
then i do a chroot
chroot /mnt/ /bin/bash
then i run grub-install
grub-install --recheck /dev/hda
if you have a error:
in some case you must erase the info in you /etc/mtab or replace with the info of the "liveCD /etc/mtab" i don't remember but you can try.
And can't you do the same when you are already in arch? I am able to boot now but I just want to install the boot loader to another partition (being sda), so last time I just ran grub-install sda and made a menu.lst based on the previous one and the info in but everything went wrong and I needed to revert to the old situation...
It seems a little awkward to go download a live cd just to install grub, doesn't it?
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