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Hi, i have a samsung 940w monitor (widescreen suports up to 1440x900 rez) and im working on 1920x1440, sometimes at 1600x1200. I downloaded 915resolutions but i'd cant get the 1440 900 rez works. Actually i have in the grub module vga=775 ( i dunno the code for 1440 900 if someone know it post it ) and dunno if it has something that to see.
Also I have another problem (probably it is because of it that I cant get the wished resolution) I dont have xorg.conf, due hwd isnt avaible for 64bits architecture, i'd cant get the xorg.conf, im running the arch64 with xfce across xinitrc and i guess there's the problem, any suggestions ?
We are ethernal all this pain is an illusion
Use nvidia-xconfig or ati-config (the ATI command might be slightly different.. tab complete to find out; been a while since I had an ATI card) to generate your xorg.conf. I don't know the answer to your resolution problem. Your post seems quite hastily written, and as such is unlikely to attract an answer.. perhaps you should explain things a bit more clearly.
- Dave
Pages: 1