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ok i used to be able to get vmware compiled and running on arch64 but now after a year or so it doesn't work anymore, and virtualbox doesnt seem to work either does anyone have one running that can help me? thanks
the non open source edition of virtualbox runs fine on x86_64. PKGBUILD is in AUR
Yep. I'm running the virtualbox_bin package and everything's working well for me so far. I posted a comment at the bottom of the package that shows the x86_64 compliant package build (works for both i686 and x86_64). Just paste that into a PKGBUILD and 'makepkg' and go!
hm thats the one i've been trying, but when i start the virtual machine it gives an error that "the current user does not have write access to /dev/vboxdrv" or some thing like that. any ideas? i'm in the vboxusers group and have rebooted and whatnot. thanks a lot:)
# ls -l /dev/vbox*
crw-rw---- 1 root vboxusers 10, 63 2007-07-05 01:44 /dev/vboxdrv
# chgrp vboxusers /dev/vboxdrv # only if necessary
Make sure that the group is set to 'vboxusers'. During one of my trial installations it would show up as 'root:root' even though the udev.rules file was copied correctly. I haven't been able to get it to behave that way since, so I figured it was some kind of fluke. I know it's shown up properly for me ever since!
ah yeah i think it was root. now that i nuked my install i'll have to try again hehe
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