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I have the latest versions of ardour and hydrogen installed on my arch system, using GNOME. but ive never been able to link the two together so i can push play in ardour and hear the sound from hydrogen at the same time. can anyone just tell me the steps after installation on arch? i think I need to find the connections window for JACK that can be seen in the top-right of this screenshot...
any help would be appreciated. any direct help rather than links to articles (or the ardour tutorial which has not helped me yet) online would be GREATLY appreciated.
Last edited by tony5429 (2007-07-16 07:36:20)
I think that's qjackctl.
do i need to install that then or is it possible to use my current setup? i have noticed that the jack server/jackd daemon run through ardour when i start it up...
Last edited by tony5429 (2007-07-07 03:00:51)
It's a separate program and it's available in extra.
alrighty. i have installed qjackctl. this is what i am trying right now...
1. start qjackctl.
2. push the play button on qjackctl
3. start ardour.
4. start hydrogen.
i see ardour defaults to time master and hydrogen defaults to not-time-master which is good as thats what i want. however, now i would like for hydrogen to start when i click play in ardour. i am guessing i either need to connect them via qjackctl or add a track in ardour which links to hydrogen. which one is it and how do i do that? thanks!
You have to make the necessary connections in qjackctl, if they aren't done automatically.
Microshaft delenda est
i am trying many different combinations but with no luck. is there a place i can look to see the right way to do it? i would like hydrogen to start when i push play in ardour, i would also like to be able to hear the sound,,,
I've just been fiddling about with Ardour myself, because I remember having trouble with this using Ardour 1.x on another distro and eventually working it out, but I can't get it to work either. :-/ 2.x looks a lot prettier with its GTK 2 interface, but they seem to have done the impossible and made it even more obscure.
I think the trick is to have Jack, not Ardour, as master. Then the transport on any Jack-connected program (including QJackCtl, which is quite handy) will start all of them. I haven't used Hydrogen for a while, but I suspect the Preferences for it are somewhat clearer than Ardour's. Try getting it to start using QJackCtl's transport and sort out Ardour when you've got that working, because that's basically what you want; it's just a matter of getting Ardour to co-operate after that.
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You have to make the necessary connections in qjackctl, if they aren't done automatically.
Does anyone know the necessary connections for running hydrogen and ardour together with qjackctl controlling the jack server??
Does anyone know the necessary connections for running hydrogen and ardour together with qjackctl controlling the jack server??
For hydrogen check the manual.
Hope that helps.
thanks! after so long, it is finally working!!!! many thanks to everyone who helped!
Aaaaaaaaaaah! I think I wasn't expecting it to be so obvious!
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Pages: 1