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My latest pacman -Syu gave me the new kernel 2.6.22 and new nvidia module 100.14.11-4.
I got - Error module nvidia is in use. In order to use the new nvidia module, exit xserver and unload it manually.
I rebooted to set the new kernel and then searched the forums but couldn't find anything relating to unloading the old nvidia module manually.
At least nothing that a 3 month Arch newbie can understand.
I've tried a few other more user friendly distros but never got the satisfaction of learning linux like I do with Arch. It's all I use now. I love it.
Can you point me in the right direction to learn how to install my new nvidia module please?
Last edited by drum (2007-07-24 21:43:47)
bebop lives
It's installed already. You just needed to reboot your computer.
Unloading a module manually is done by modprobe -r nvidia. But after a reboot all should be done.
It sound slike you did pacman -Syu WHILE you were running X.
Kernel/graphics/Xorg updates are usually easier done from console, without X running.
As nikron said rebooting should solve this.
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
I did the same mistake and updated from Xwindows.
Now I can't get Xorg to load the nvidia module.
If I try to install the nvidia driver again.
pacman -Sy nvidia
it says
ERROR: Module nvidia does not exist in /proc/modules
Any ideas in what to do?
ps. I still run the 2.6.21 kernel
Have tried to reboot, many times
The new module is compiled for 2.6.22 so you have to update your kernel.
got it working.
by some reason my kernel wouldn't upgrade. So I changed mirror. And got that working. Then I needed to run modprobe nvidia after that i run pacman -Sy nvidia nvidia-utils and rebooted.
Now all is working fine
Thanks people, for your help.
New nvidia module is working fine with new kernel now.
Ain't life great?
bebop lives
Pages: 1