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Hi there, I had solve the problem which cause my harddisk make a strange noise when my notebook shutdown by patching the kernel. I also add the following lines to /etc/rc.local.shutdown:
for disk in /sys/class/scsi_disk/* ; do
echo 1 > $disk/stop_on_shutdown
But it seems not work for the suspend process. Could someone tell me how to make it right when suspend with suspend2?
You should put this into the suspend script - if you're using suspend2 then this means the hibernate script. I'm not sure if you can enter this code into the hibernate script directly, but you should be able to create a new script that contains the lines of code you quoted (remember to make it executable afterwards) and then execute it from the hibernate script for example by adding something like:
OnSuspend 90 /path/to/script/
to /etc/hibernate/common.conf.
thanks, I missed it.