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I am having trouble figuring out how to set up my locales. I had this working before, but I've since reinstalled Arch and can't remember how I did it. I use aterm, and If I have my locale in /etc/rc.conf set to "en_US" and the "en_US ISO-8859-1" line uncommented in /etc/locale.gen, the characters in aterm are just fine:
but when I open vlc, I get
If I uncomment both "en_US ISO-8859-1" and "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" in /etc/locale.gen, vlc works, but aterms characters look like this:
Any suggestions on getting both aterm and vlc to work?
as root run locale-gen
I've done that after every change, but I still get the same problem.
This probably won't help, but in my case I find that /etc/profile always sets LC_COLLATE to C, regardless of my rc.conf settings. It messes up my file sort orders unless I comment the line out. Perhaps there is something in your /etc/profile?
thayer williams ~
Fixed after a reboot, but not sure why. Does screen keep you from logging out 'completely'?
Actually, before running locale-gen you have to uncomment the locales you would like to generate in '/etc/locale.gen'.
They say if you reverse play a Windows CD you can hear satanic verses... But wanna know what's even worse? If you forward play it, it's gonna install Windows on your system!
Have you changed the LOCALE line in /etc/rc.conf with LOCALE="en_US.UTF-8" ?
Thanks for all your suggestions, but as I posted earlier, it's now fixed after a reboot.
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