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#1 2007-08-08 15:05:20

Registered: 2007-07-17
Posts: 56

XFCE with nvidia twinview (dual display)


I have my xorg.conf just right so I can hook up an external display to my laptop and use dual displays, however, for this to work as intended, the display needs to be connected before X / XFCE is started.

If I connect a display after starting my desktop environment, then use Nvidia Settings to enable the second display for Twinview, my desktop is simply stretched across the two screens. My taskbar stretches, the wallpaper stretches, dialogs and windows that are centred or enlarged stretch across both of the displays. This is because XFCE is completely unaware that a second display has been activated. The implementation of the dual output is done without XFCE and XFCE just treats my two screens as one, single display.

When starting XFCE with the display already connected, it detects the two screens and manages them accordingly. I can set wallpapers for each desktop, set which screen contains the taskbar, maximise windows to just one of the displays, etc. How can I force XFCE to recognise that a new display has been added, without having to restart it?

Thanks =]

Last edited by steven (2007-08-08 15:06:01)


#2 2007-08-09 08:01:53

From: UK ~
Registered: 2006-08-14
Posts: 415

Re: XFCE with nvidia twinview (dual display)

Unload the nvidia module, then reload it.

That will *possibly* work.

Arch Linux since 2006
Python Web Developer + Sys Admin (Gentoo/BSD)


#3 2007-08-09 13:50:13

Registered: 2007-07-17
Posts: 56

Re: XFCE with nvidia twinview (dual display)

Uhh, that's not a solution I'm looking for.

Essentially, XFCE has to recognise that a second screen has been activated. I can't see how removing and re-adding my video driver module, whilst it's being used, is going to make any difference. It's not the kind of solution I'd like to use anyway... thanks for the suggestion though. Any other ideas?


#4 2007-08-10 10:29:26

From: Wales :D
Registered: 2004-03-26
Posts: 441

Re: XFCE with nvidia twinview (dual display)

Wouldn't X have to read the xorg.conf in order to get information for any extra screens? If that is the case, surely it would require a restart of X to get things working? I'm not sure how modular Xorg is (i.e. can you 'load' dual screen settings when cable is connected, like a kernel module), and I'm not sure it's possible to have this setup, is it? I'm using dual screens too. with nvidia-settings, so I'd be interested to know.


#5 2007-08-17 19:20:51

Registered: 2007-07-17
Posts: 56

Re: XFCE with nvidia twinview (dual display)



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