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I don't know if I am posting in the right forum, or even if I need to post on this forum rather than flyspray. I noticed a small error in the PKGBUILD for kernel26 for the kernel. It lists the unionfs patch address as … u4.diff.gz, however when the PKGBUILD goes to download it it comes back as error 404, file not found. I did some checking and found that on Aug. 2nd the ftp server renamed their directory from unionfs-2.x to unionfs-2.0 so only a small change was needed in the package build. The correct address should be … u4.diff.gz. Again, if I've posted in the wrong place, my apologies, being a new user of Arch (I've used Linux since '97) I always hesitate on posting in a new forum, you can never be sure of the reactions you'll get.
Somewhere, just out of sight, the Penguins are gathering!
Thanks for sharing. Welcome to arch and don't hesitate to post again.
Last edited by raymano (2007-08-10 15:17:07)
FaunOS: Live USB/DVD Linux Distro:
Welcome to Arch.
It's a bug, so use the bugtracker.
Last edited by tomk (2007-08-10 15:27:12)
Added to Flyspray as bug #7773
Somewhere, just out of sight, the Penguins are gathering!
Pages: 1