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Pages: 1
And it is so much faster! Building things take a much shorter time, and booting/shutting down is much faster. I'm using swfdec for flash. It works with youtube so I'm ok The only problem is installing Compiz without having to install gconf (trying to keep a nice clean KDEmod here
) the PKGBUILDs are not working properly and I'm getting errors. Meh. I can live without it right? I'm really happy with 64bit. I'm never going back to 32. Actually at the beginning, I didn't even know it was 64 bit
I've got a Pentium 4 by the way.
I have an old 32b p4, your post really raises my expectations for the new cpu:s...
(I can't wait for amd to release the new phenom processors )
Pages: 1